Search Results for Query: amitriptyline

  1. Kat Luv

    Amitriptyline - what to expect

    Hi all, One of my cats was recently put on amitriptyline (transdermal) for severe anxiety and behavioral issues. For a bit of background, she is semi-feral and we've tried every other possible solution (feliway products-all, zylkene, composure treats, several other otc/non-prescript items, and...
  2. fionasmom

    Amitriptyline - what to expect

    Search Results for Query: amitriptyline These are threads on TCS where amitriptyline is discussed.
  3. NMillis

    Trying to give my cat Amitriptyline

    Hi has anyone had luck giving their cat Amitriptyline crushed up in some sort of food or treat? I have tried the past 4 days to give my cat her pill, which she needs everyday because she’s so anxious. She can smell it in her food and then will eat around it. I have tried putting it in fish pate...
  4. Furballsmom

    Aggression in cats - Amitriptyline

    In looking through some threads here, I'm not really seeing the answer to your question directly, although I did find these which could come in handy for you; Trying to give my cat Amitriptyline Weaning off amitriptyline AMITRIPTYLINE - Mar Vista Animal Medical Center
  5. ElizabethP

    Aggression in cats - Amitriptyline

    Thank you for these links :) Thankfully I am finding it easy to give Weasel the two 1/4 pills every day, I just mix them up in a small amount of his food which he wolfs down, and then I top up the bowl once it's gone. This all relies on my being here, which thankfully I am at the moment. When...
  6. ElizabethP

    Aggression in cats - Amitriptyline

    ...joined this site - was led to you by an internet search under the title topic. It's good to find you. I'm wondering if anyone has used Amitriptyline to help with one cat being agressive with another - and did it work (initially and then long term)? My husband and I are Brits, living in...
  7. S

    Transdermal Amitriptyline: Kitty has cystitis flare-up

    ...calm at home. I've noticed that him seems anxious (perhaps caused by discomfort) recently. Any advice? My vet prescribed transdermal amitriptyline (0.1 ml applied nightly to hairless part of ear). He will not accept pills and no amount of hiding the pill works. I'll be trying the...
  8. denny1700

    Transdermal gels & cat claw trimming

    I think amitryptiline in gel form would be used:
  9. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    ...not changed. He takes a half tab of Claritin daily. It is for environmental allergies. - The next medication we were going to try was Amitriptyline. Saw it on the list of meds that was provided. He currently takes Fluoxetine and Gabapentin for his behavioral condition. I think next step was...
  10. Renne

    Amitriptyline - what to expect

    Hi, I'm sorry to say that I have no experience using antidepressants on cats, but I know about using them on humans. Unlike Prozac, Amitriptyline is a very old antidepressant with many side-effects (for humans) and tends to have a very strong sedative effect, to the point that people mostly...
  11. Alldara

    Tough Decision

    If you're in Ottawa, I'll recommend reaching out to the Merivale Cat Hospital or Bytown Cat hospital. They are reasonably priced and many vets at the other clinics are not as well versed with cats. How can they be? They are like drs who have to keep up with research on multiple species at all...
  12. Felicity69

    Experiences with Amitriptyline in Cats

    Hi everyone , my cat Betsy has been prescribed Amitriptyline for cystitis . First dose yesterday wasn’t very successful . Any good that will mask the taste ? Thanks in advance 🥰
  13. angela638x

    CKD cat vomiting since Tuesday

    The issue is she is supposed to be on the amitriptyline indefinitely :ohwell:
  14. downton ali

    Amitriptyline - what to expect

    My cat is on Amitriptyline. He was prescribed a 10mg dose, which I believe was correct for his weight but made him a tongue hanging out of his mouth zombie. I halved the tablet (with his vet's approval), which he tolerated much better. It took about a month to notice a difference. He became more...
  15. Kat Luv

    Amitriptyline - what to expect

    ...treat, as it can take months to get the dosage/amt in blood to "optimal". For anxiety, it often works within 2-3 days... TCAs (like amitriptyline) work a bit differently than SSRIs, and I've never seen how they work for humans for anxiety, nor for cats. She's maybe mildly sedate on it, but...
  16. FeebysOwner

    Mineralization on/in Kidneys and Calcium on/in Kidneys

    ...serves as a flavor enhancer. So, if you are looking for a probiotic, I'd look further than Forti Flora. Why is the vet prescribing Amitriptyline - due to what is deemed as cystitis? How does that interact, if at all, with Bupe? While the former is considered anti-anxiety it can also be used...
  17. toulousesmomma

    fluoxetine not as affective anymore, cat is very fearful. help!!!

    ...and she is not scared of the dog the same way at ALL. I consulted my vet and he said we could take her off fluoxetine and switch her to amitriptyline, but I'm worried weaning her off fluoxetine is going to be really really bad. And worried that amitriptyline wont be affective. I have another...
  18. Elvisrocks

    Weaning off amitriptyline

    Hello, Has anyone's cat experienced any side effects coming off amitriptyline? My cat has been on it for 7 months first prescribed for stress induced cystitis. She is only on 2.5mg daily but I think it is either slightly constipating her or giving her loose stools. She poops daily but has...
  19. E

    Chronic urination issue in house - giving Amitriptyline - what is max dose allowed?

    ...about 4 years. She was on Fluoxetine but was still having the issue. Though it did seem to be less when she was on it. Started giving Amitriptyline about a month ago and we do not think the issue is any better than before. She is getting 1/4 of a 10mg table daily. Her current weight is about...