Search Results for Query: coccidia

  1. GenCat

    New kittens, vomiting and coccidia

    ...I asked if probiotics would be appropriate so he gave me some of those as well. The next day they let me know she had tested positive for Coccidia and gave me Albon to give both kittens for 8 days. I noticed any time she ate the Royal Canin Digestive food she would slow down a lot and just...
  2. L

    Coccidia in kittens two kittens. They are roughly two to three months old. They both have terrible diarrhea. They have seen a vet and are being treated for coccidia. How long does it take before the diarrhea stops? They have been on the medication for 3 days. One kittens poop is now a gravy consistency but...
  3. C

    Kitten with Coccidia

    We got a Siamese kitten from a breeder and it was just diagnosed with coccidia. They prescribed medicine but from what I’m reading it can be hard to get rid of. I have 2 other cats but have been keeping the kitten quarantined in my daughters room until her tests came back which they did today...
  4. Sarthur2

    2 week old kittens with dark green poop?

    Green poop often signals a parasite infection such as giardia or coccidia, which may or may not show up in a fecal. Ponazuril usually treats this in 1-3 doses. Ask about it at the vet. Which brand powdered formula are you using? @meowmeow98
  5. F

    What’s wrong with my cats?

    Has your vet mentioned coccidia as a possible cause of their diarrhea? It should show up on their fecal test if they haved it. It's very common, especially in kittens. It causes diarrhea, really smelly gas & poop. Coccidia has to be treated with a few days of a very specific antibiotic. It's...
  6. M

    2 week old kittens with dark green poop?

    Thank you for your response! I will ask the vet about it. I'm using the PetAg KMR
  7. heatherwillard0614

    Kitten with Coccidia HOW CAN I PROTECT MY CAT AND HOME FROM COCCIDIA? This second link if you scroll down until you see: HOW CAN I PROTECT MY CAT AND HOME FROM...
  8. StefanZ

    Mother and kittens with diarrhea

    ...Let the gas out... You see on the label what salts are there. You can start by sprinkling a little salt in their food. Dosage I dont know, but apparently some is better than nothing. The fluid they got during 3 weeks could be Albon, this is a common but slowly working med against coccidia.
  9. H

    Breeder sold me kitten with fleas, ringworm, coccidia, and URI. Recourse I can take?

    ...and after acquiring it later found ringworm on his paw. If that wasn't enough, his fecal results came back and he tested positive for coccidia. All the while, he developed a bad URI that we had to put him on antibiotics for. I also have a resident cat at home who is now potentially infected...
  10. K

    Mother and kittens with diarrhea

    Will do, thank you!
  11. kashmir64

    Help with my sick kitten

    ...had them to foster within an hour). They started with giardia poop at around 16 days. So I know a bit about it. I know very little about coccidia, but it's basically the same from what I understand. (the cat in my avatar is one of them) It is a protozoa which is nastier than just a...
  12. kashmir64

    Help with my sick kitten

    Both Coccidia and Giardia have a 14 day gestation and it sounds like you've had her for longer than that. If this is correct, I don't see how it could be either of them. The poop is an orange color and kind of grainy. Metro and Panacur will eventually get rid of it, but the main thing to do is...
  13. H

    Resident cat charge swatting new kitten repeatedly

    Thanks all for your advices. The new kitty has ringworm and coccidia so they have to isolate for the next month anyways so we're gonna have to do a slow introduction either way. Will try to update after he is cured.
  14. Sarthur2

    Cookie's pregnancy/kitten questions

    Ugh. Show that picture to the vet. It looks like possible coccidia. The cure for that is Albon. It’s not the wet or dry food — it looks like a parasite infection of some sort. If it’s not coccidia, they may still need a round of metronidazole. That kills parasites and cures intestinal bacterial...
  15. Sarthur2

    Jewel and Her Babies!

    Bright yellow can sometimes mean coccidia. This would require a round of Albon to cure. Good to hear that she’s eating and gaining again!
  16. Sarthur2

    Newborn Supplemental Feed Guidance Needed

    If the Strongid doesn’t work then try Albon or metronidazole. If it’s coccidia, it’s definitely contagious. Poor kittens — I hope they get better soon!
  17. J

    Cat with Persistent Diarrhea HELP!

    ...he is urinating perfectly fine!!! Second, The Vet prescribed him two antibiotics one for "maybe a possible" Giardia and another for Coccidia infection but just guessing BECAUSE as I stated in my previous comments fecal tests were doing to him in three different Vet clinics and always came...
  18. rubysmama

    Resident cat charge swatting new kitten repeatedly

    Oh, sorry to hear about the kittens heath issues. Hope he feels better soon, and that when restart the instructions that it goes well. Please keep us updated on things.
  19. Alldara

    Resident cat charge swatting new kitten repeatedly

    Yes do let us know how recovery and re-intros go. Hopefully RC is doing well! Remember to watch for signs of ringworm on humans too. 😸
  20. V

    Help with my sick kitten

    Yes. I was a huge “Lost” fan. His siblings are Claire, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer. I thought of Coccidia for mom as she’s had diarrhea since I’ve gotten her. Deworming for 3 days 3 times would have taken care of giardia? I’ve read it does. I don’t know anymore… I’ve done sooooo much research but...