Search Results for Query: Fleas

  1. Meowmee

    Zena now possibly toxo pneumonia again! put flea treatments on them because of Sybil being long hair and she was still going for walks, etc. and my father was very sensitive to fleas. Otherwise I have never medicated my cats for fleas ever unless they were outside and came in and once when Quinn had them. I think it was her, but...
  2. K

    Seresto flea-and-tick collar recall suggested by Congressional committe

    From the Committee on Oversight and Reform's subcommittee on economic and consumer policy. The popular Seresto flea-and-tick collar should be recalled following research showing the roughly $70 device poses risks to pets and their owners, according to a new congressional report. The findings...
  3. Norachan

    New sick kitten+angry cat

    Things like fleas and ringworm are super contagious, even allowing the kitten to sleep on your other cat's beds could lead to them being infected too. Other diseases have an incubation period, which means that they may have already been passed on to other cats, but you're not seeing any signs...
  4. Norachan

    New sick kitten+angry cat

    ...your other cats. Stray kittens pick up lots of diseases, many of which are highly contagious and potentially fatal. What's more, he could have fleas, worms, ringworm or other conditions that could be picked up by other animals and even by you. Keep the kitten in a room away from the other...
  5. 'lil Wren

    Hello everyone

    ...I took him in three weeks later, due to predicted cold winter night temperatures. I put him in a single 'cat-proofed' room. He had some fleas, some cat lice, ear fungus, and a roundworm. He had some diarrhea at first. The vet did not find any microchip, and I have not heard about anyone...
  6. L

    Atopica problem

    I do use a monthly flea treatment on him but i did find a couple fleas on a blanket a few months ago. I havent seen any since but that is when jax started licking his stimach a lot more. He is unfortunately starting to lick his stomach again and its already getting red. I have ordered the skin...
  7. stephanietx

    Any idea?

    Have you recently changed litter brands? It could be an allergy to that or as @tiggerwillow suggested, fleas.
  8. FeebysOwner

    Kitten Bumps Around Butt And On Tail whatever he is eating - when he poos? I don't think in that case an antibiotic woold be the answer. Has he been de-wormed and checked for fleas? Hopefully, some other members will come along and see something in that pic that I cannot. Maybe you could send a pic to your vet and see if...
  9. StefanZ

    Deworming a cat in a not so optimal state the mild Milbomax, with the same main ingredients. Revolution spot on is good, it also takes outside parasites alike ticks - and fleas... But its correct, it dont takes tapeworms, at least, not efficiently. Having revolution and drontal? could be, pyrantel allows some leeway, exact...
  10. Y

    Deworming a cat in a not so optimal state

    ...potential rabies is where I draw the line. I delayed his TNRing and I do regret that a lot. I know he was weak from the abscess and all the fleas. I am hoping deworming is a good next step given that he is inside for the moment. I just don't want my good intentions to cause more harm than...
  11. Y

    Deworming a cat in a not so optimal state

    ...Advantage II and applied some early this evening. I don't know if it was because of the pesticide, but after application I started seeing fleas (lice?) crawling on his face. God, I feel like I have failed this baby (just venting here). I will be procuring Revolution (the blue box only) now...
  12. S

    Weird Symptoms.. urgent help?!

    ...of course is hardly any platelets and the low HCT. I have seen numbers like that in cats with microplasma. A blood parasite they get from fleas. I imagine your cat doesn’t and hasn’t had fleas so other than that, I would think cancer could be the culprit. With a blood transfusion, which would...
  13. omgbutter

    Stray cat won’t leave my cat alone

    ...other day after feeling bad seeing how much he wanted the attention and I could feel something on the back of his neck which I’m guessing is fleas or a rash etc. But I just want to know what I can do to stop him trying to get so much attention from me and to stop annoying my own cat. She...
  14. rentuna

    Deworming issues

    She doesn't have fleas at all, it was treated before adoption last year. No fleas since then luckily and also they didn't look like tapeworms 😩 None of our pets have fleas, they are all constantly treated with prevention. The worms ,I have photos are very big/long with rounded bodies. They are...
  15. S

    Deworming issues

    ...made up by many segments. When they pass them in the stool it can look like long grain white rice. E cause all you see is the segments. if the fleas had never been completely the resolved, it is highly likely that she could eat another one that is carrying the tapeworm egg and re infest...
  16. rentuna

    Deworming issues

    ...we have serious issues with...worms. She was dewormed,vaccinated and neutered before the adoption, then she was dewormed again with pills for fleas too. Everything fine and nice, she's healing very well from the neutering. A little time passes, it's January this year , she throws up a huge...
  17. PushPurrCatPaws

    Fur pulling

    ...hyperthyroid medicine, but I do know that sometimes, no matter how well the vet or vet techs can clean the spaces, pets can sometimes pick up fleas or other ectoparasites from vet rooms/offices. Do you give him any meds for such things? If he has been to the vet several times recently, I...
  18. fionasmom

    Fleas and Tapeworms

    I guess that I am in the middle on this. My cat vet does not automatically deworm if a cat has fleas, but I have had a few occasions where various cats have had tapeworms and then had to be treated for them. This has always happened during flea season, even if the cats are treated. I have had...
  19. FeebysOwner

    Fleas and Tapeworms

    Interesting. I guess my cat is just out of the norm then. We've been fighting fleas off and on for a few years now and - knock on wood - she has not had any tapeworms.
  20. stephanietx

    Fleas and Tapeworms

    My vet has stated previously that cats are not like dogs. Dogs will bite at fleas and not get them, but cats will get almost all of them, so she always recommends deworming for tapeworms if your kitty has fleas.