Search Results for Query: IBD or SCL

  1. mrsgreenjeens

    Cat has either IBD or SCL, need advice and some support

    Never having had a cat with either IBD or SCL, unfortunately I cannot answer your questions, but until someone comes along who might have those answers, I did do a search on "IBD or SCL" and here are the results: Search Results for Query: IBD or SCL It seems many people have cats that may or...
  2. C

    Cat has either IBD or SCL, need advice and some support

    Long story short, one of my cats had bouts of random vomiting for about a year, and about 6-8 months ago started getting bad constipation where he wouldn't go for days, and when he did try to go it'd get stuck and he'd force and vomit and we had to bring him to the ER vet to get cleared out. He...
  3. Mac and Cats

    Low potassium in Hyperthryoid, CKD, possible IBD or possible SCL

    I have posted about my sweet Orange before. He was "diagnosed" back in March of 2023 with possible IBD or possible SCL. The ultrasound doctor (forgive my lack of correct medical terminology) said it was "consistent with IBD" but that we couldn't rule out SCL without a biopsy. We chose not to do...
  4. FeebysOwner

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    Hi. I searched this site for previous threads - and the internet (as I am sure you did too)) - and found nothing about weaning/tapering Budesonide. I am thinking you might have some success on one of the forums related to IBD and/or SCL in cats since the members are more focused on treatments...
  5. P

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    Hi, my cat is currently on budesonide 1mg/daily for suspected IBD/SCL (no biopsy, just ultrasound showing thickening & enlarged lymph nodes). His only symptom is vomiting and it's well-controlled at this dose. I'm seeking insight on anyone's experiences with weaning or tapering budesonide...
  6. N

    Budesonide - experience with tapering or weaning?

    By the way, in case anyone was wondering, my plan is to keep the chemotherapy and steroid therapy as options to use when symptoms return as this small cell lymphoma is indolent (slow evolving). So she'll have treatment phases (which she hates although much more tolerated with Ondansetron given 1...
  7. H

    Low potassium in Hyperthryoid, CKD, possible IBD or possible SCL

    I think the lower potassium isn’t making him feel poorly. You might find that thriving patients with IBD may even have lower potassium. Potassium is absorbed through passive diffusion in the intestine; so an inflammatory process like SCL/GI Lymphoma and IBD would effect absorption. A more...
  8. Mac and Cats

    Update to my previous post: "Suspected IBD in 15 year old Hyperthyroid cat - I have some questions" our Orangie 2.5mg of pred every other day and it's working great. Much better than the 1.25 every day. He is still eating like a champ and comes to snuggle. I still don't know if it's IBD or SCL, but he seems to be doing ok for now and I will accept that. He's eating and that's what...
  9. FeebysOwner

    Cat has either IBD or SCL, need advice and some support

    Hi and welcome to TCS, despite what brought you here. I think getting a specialty group involved is a very good idea - one that not only has internal med vets but others such as oncology on staff as well, as they can consult with each other. Any tests that have been run can be shared with them...
  10. iPappy

    IBD cats on long term prednisolone

    That's the route we took with Levi. He had a multitude of health issues, and SCL was suspected but at his age we decided to treat the symptoms without a firm diagnosis. He lived for years, and his passing had little or nothing to do with anything intestinal.
  11. zx81

    IBD cats on long term prednisolone

    I'm sorry about the SCL. I was told this was a possibility as the thickened gut seen on the ultrasound could be that or IBD. I too refused invasive testing - they did a needle biopsy which was inconclusive and probably a waste of money. But she's still here 4 years later so I think it must be...
  12. T

    Something other than IBD/Small Cell Lymphoma?

    Wondering if anything other than IBD/SCL can cause thickening of the intestines and enlarged lymph nodes? I know a lot of things can cause enlarged lymph nodes but I'm not sure about the two together. 🤷‍♀️ We're currently treating Bendel for SCL or IBD (we don't know which) but I want to be...
  13. F

    Cat on Miralax for Pancreatitis

    Nods. And I feel a bit better as I don't see anything like that in the US - I do see thickening of the small intestine mentioned. Which is new. It mentions that area "An inflammatory response is suspected although small cell lymphoma cannot be completely differentiated in the small bowel."...
  14. S

    Question about HCM and Prednisolone

    Mac and Cats - Hope your kitty's labwork was okay. The more I read online about Prednisolone and heart problems, the more I am upset with myself for listening to my vet. Jengo has been on Pred for a couple of year and last week he was diagnosed with HCM. Did the Pred cause it? I'll never...
  15. Mac and Cats

    Low potassium in Hyperthryoid, CKD, possible IBD or possible SCL

    Thank you! I will ask the vet on Monday. The vet on Thursday said he was well hydrated. My main hope is to just make him comfortable at the very least. He is laying right next to me right now and seems comfortable laying on his side in a relaxed manner. So, hopefully that is positive.
  16. daftcat75

    Rawz "Natural flavors"

    Rawz knows who buys their food. They aren't crossing the protein streams in their single protein pates. I fed Rawz in the turkey and rabbit flavors to an IBD/SCL cat for a couple of years without issues. And this cat was sensitive enough to detect the poultry in FortiFlora. Rawz rabbit does not...
  17. S

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    Hi. Sorry for the scary parts of the update. My cat, like yours has IBD, SCL, and a heart murmer. Plus hyperthyroidism and asthma. Also, I am sure some degree of kidney damage. I have to give fluids ( very small amounts) once a day or her dehydration is evident. My cat is terrified of anything...
  18. Mac and Cats

    Mystery illness, Possibly Lymphoma, Not Eating

    I am not a genius when it comes to looking at medical documents. From reading his ultrasound, if it were my cat, the only thing I would find concerning are the nodules, but I don't really know what that means? Are those concerning or typical of an older cat? I'm not sure why she would jump to he...
  19. artiemom

    Pet insurance for the first time, when I have a senior cat?

    When you insure an oder cat, it is a crap shoot. Upon first claim, you have to submit ALL previous vet records. They go way back to the initial rescue vet exam, to see if anything at all, will be considered pre-existing, or associated with a pre-existing condition. I had my last guy, whom I...
  20. neely

    No to Pred, Yes to Chemo - but not 'urgent'

    I know @artiemom has gone through something similar with Geoffrey. He has IBD and SCL too and was on both of the same meds as Feeby. Hopefully she will see your post and be able to offer some helpful advice. :crossfingers: