Search Results for Query: radio iodine treatment

  1. Antonio65

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    Your cat will have to be treated with methimazole for several weeks before being evaluated for the I-131 injection. Your vet will give you the directions for administering the methimazole. Too many vets tend to use an "aggressive" method with 2.5 mg twice daily, while more conservative methods...
  2. cocoanlace

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    I have been reading on Reddit and radio-iodine treatment sites and did NOT catch that I HAD to give her medicine first. That is such bad news. This will add days of stress trying to trap her and get her into my small holding cage for further testing at her regular vet after the meds start. (I...
  3. neely

    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    This is one of the reasons why Scintigraphy should be performed. If the tumor is too large or there are other potential problems the radiologist will not perform the I-131 but rather discuss removing the thyroid.
  4. FeebysOwner

    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    ...know, vets generally recommend an either/or approach with meds vs. diet. And, for the record, neither approach is a cure, nor will it stop the thyroid tumor from growing. The only cure is the radio iodine treatment. The thyroid tumor(s) can be surgically removed, but not sure that is a cure...
  5. Antonio65

    Hyperthyroid - when will meds take effect?

    My cat was treated about 11 months after the diagnosis. She was diagnosed in September 2016, treated in August 2017. The first thing was pills, then we decided to use the eargel because it was easier to dose and administer. In June 2017 she was put in the list for the treatment. She stayed 5...
  6. M

    Radio iodine treatment - nervous cat

    Hi everyone First post here, hoping that someone will have experience of radio iodine treatment for cats (especially in the UK). My sweet, sassy girl is booked in to have the treatment at the Wetherby Hyperthyroid Cat Centre next week, and - no exaggeration, we're worried almost witless! She...
  7. Antonio65

    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    I didn't know that, but I know that many pet parents have to adjust the dosage often during the treatment. In fact, careful vets advise owners to have their cat checked every 5 to 6 weeks to see if the hormone levels need a different dosage. In my case, over a period of about 10 months we...
  8. Antonio65

    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    Hi and welcome to the club of I-131 cats. My cat was 16 years when she was treated with radio iodine. She was on methimazole for nearly a year before that, pills first and eargel next. She didn't have an ultrasound to her thyroid, but we ran a blood test every 5 to 6 weeks, and we would adjust...
  9. cejhome

    Your Opinions Please

    We had a cat quite a few years ago that was hyperthyroid. We did the radio iodine treatment, as he wasn't easy to pill or do ear gel. It was expensive even back then, but well worth it. For us, it was pretty easy, as there was a Radiocat very close to us. Maybe about 8 - 12 miles from where...
  10. FeebysOwner

    Hyperthyroid - when will meds take effect?

    ...discussed on life expectancy - the meds still allow the thyroid tumor to grow, and as it grows the meds need to be increased. Radio iodine treatment is a cure. I still say that unless your vet is telling you that blood work needs to be done every 3-4 weeks for the rest of your cat's life...
  11. FeebysOwner

    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    To the best of my knowledge radio iodine therapy is not considered chemotherapy. Nonetheless, I did find this on one vet web site (UK based, but assume it is the same for the US as well as many other countries) - "We are unfortunately unable to accept any new referrals for feline radioactive...
  12. neely

    Qualifying for Radioactive Iodine I-131 Treatment Questions

    That's the best news ever - you made our day! :thumbsup: And if you have any questions about the I-131 treatment please feel free to ask, we're here to help and support you.
  13. P

    Your Opinions Please

    Yes I agree. We went throught the same thing with our other cat 3 years ago and it worked out perfectly. The toughtest part for us was missing her desperately for those 3 days. We will try the gel first and see what happens.
  14. neely

    Feline dementia

    Our cat received the I-131 radioactive iodine treatment a year ago. We had the option of taking him to a specialty clinic affiliated with a veterinary university medical school or Radical. Radiocat has locations in different states and does not offer Scintigraphy. For that reason our vet did...
  15. FeebysOwner

    Follow-up to older thread re hyperthyroidism

    Hi. I guess I am not entirely sure what you are asking. There is nothing short of radio-iodine treatment that will stop/reverse hyperthyroidism. It is a tumor growth within the thyroid gland that can be slowed down through proper treatment - foods or meds. But it can't be stopped entirely. The...
  16. neely

    Follow-up to older thread re hyperthyroidism

    I'm sorry I just saw your thread about Ecco being diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. If you don't mind my asking, what was her T-4 level? The reason I asked is because our cat was diagnosed with H-T last year. We immediately started treating him with Methimazole transdermal gel and although it...
  17. C

    Qualifying for Radioactive Iodine I-131 Treatment Questions

    I'm estatic!! :D My cat has a new lease on life! Had an ultrasound done of my cat's heart yesterday, thinking, before making any final decisions, I want to see the extent of damage to his heart. As, the tone of things were that his heart was giving out. I got a copy of the test result, and...
  18. neely

    Radio iodine treatment - nervous cat

    Yes, it sounds like the Scintigraphy is handled differently in the UK than here. The reason they do it here is to determine the exact amount of radioactive iodine to inject since they don't give all cats the same amount. They also use Scintigraphy to determine if there is more than one tumor on...
  19. FeebysOwner


    Hi. The food option (iodine restricted diet) does work for some, but a lot of cats won't eat it, and those who do tend to reject it after a while. Your best bet for now is to consider medicine - generally known as Methimazole, it also comes in a transdermal form to place on the inside of a cat's...
  20. M

    Radio iodine treatment - nervous cat

    Hi Neely, thanks for that lovely reply. I think there's no way around the worry and this really is the only solution for Chessie, our girl. We're all set with accommodation for her when she comes home, so that's less of a worry than how she might cope, or what might happen, while she's in...