Search Results for Query: FCE

  1. FeebysOwner

    FCE - Fibrocartilaginous Embolism in Cats

    Hi and welcome to tCS, despite what brought you here. Pretty pic of Peppermint! FWIW, here is an article about FCE in case you haven't already found it yourself. Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE) in Pets | Dogs and Cats (
  2. Furballsmom

    FCE - Fibrocartilaginous Embolism in Cats

    Hello - these are threads I found on The Catsite, in case you haven't seen them already; Search Results for Query: FCE
  3. T

    Support or help sudden leg weakness

    Thank you for this uplifting story. My cat most likely has FCE as well, MRI this morning is scheduled to validate.
  4. T

    FCE - Fibrocartilaginous Embolism in Cats

    Hi everyone, I’m here to see if anyone has experienced having a cat with FCE and how was recovery ❤️‍🩹? Yesterday morning around 6am PST, my 8yr old snowshoe cat Peppermint’s back legs (mainly 1) all of a sudden was lame or wobbly, odd because she was super normal a couple hours ago. I’m so...
  5. fionasmom


    Thank you so much for posting that detailed update. I think that FCE is considered to be such a condition of large dogs that no one ever considers that a cat might have it. While this is not something that is easy to face, I certainly hope that it is treatable and that Jax continues to improve...
  6. Meowmee


    Wow that is great he is getting better. FCE is very rare, I had read about that when Syb had a saddle thrombus. I hope he continues to regain his mobility and that there is no cancer involved. I am wondering why FCE was not considered as a possibility in the beginning. It seems odd that they...
  7. E


    ...where they found a mass in his spinal cord in the neck. We were told that it was one of two things, either cancer (most likely lymphoma) or FCE. The neurologist was leaning more towards cancer and we were devastated. We left thinking we were in the worst possible scenario. However, the next...
  8. L

    Support or help sudden leg weakness

    Update: It's been nearly 4 months since Dax's FCE. He has regained 95% of his reflexes and mobility. The only lasting effects I've noticed is he walks with his back legs slightly bent compared to before. He jumps leaps and gets into everything, no nook is too high to reach---such as the top of...
  9. L

    Support or help sudden leg weakness

    Update: I know this thread is not popular but someone else may deal with a rare FCE in the future. After a week Dax has regained most of his mobility. He is not jumping but can walk and climb stairs while under supervision. His blood work is good and thyroid is stabilizing. I am currently...
  10. L

    Support or help sudden leg weakness

    ...Still trying to tempt him with various foods. He ate 2 treats. However with such improvement his appetite will hopefully return tonight. Based on everything I've read about FCE it seems to be a fair diagnosis. Prognosis is looking better but we will see what the vet says tomorrow. Thanks again.
  11. 1

    Kitten's Confidence persian in him. Maybe he's a late bloomer. Its just every other cat I had always started getting their muzzle around 6 mos. Yet, my kittens fce is just as flat. It doesn't bother me, I love him no matter what, but it does make me wonder if he has some handicaps. Also, others "can"...