Search Results for Query: Cryptosporidium

  1. S

    Cryptosporidium, Tylosin, S.Boullardi

    Hi all, a new member here! I wanted to see if anyone has had to treat their fur babies for Cryptosporidium and how you got on? After months of bad poops, we discovered my two kittens (from different litters) have it - they are currently on day 15 of 21 days of Tylosin. This really made a...
  2. S

    Recommendations and Help Cryptosporidium

    Hi LillyBeth123, did you manage to get your kitten free of cryptosporidium? My two have it at the moment 😔
  3. cliffchen

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    ...The vet also suspected Tritrichomonas and we did a PCR fecal test for a variety of parasites. All of which came back negative EXCEPT Cryptosporidium which was positive. We have her on Azithromycin today. - We have had blood test and GI panel done. The vet explained everything on the blood...
  4. FeebysOwner

    Cryptosporidium, Tylosin, S.Boullardi

    ...with this. So, I did a search on this site and here is what I came up with in terms of previous posts - Search Results for Query: Cryptosporidium | TheCatSite. Hopefully there is some worthy information in some of these posts while you wait to hear from others directly - which I hope is soon!
  5. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    I know this is yuck - but people need to know what they are looking at. This is Cryptosporidium poo. Most cats present with very yellow, watery, mucousy, and sometimes blood bowel movements. My cat never had blazing diarrhea...more like soft serve ice cream like bowel movements
  6. signgirl

    Cryptosporidium, Tylosin, S.Boullardi

    I am so sorry you are dealing with this too. I adopted a cat about a year ago from a humane society. He came home with Cryptosporidium...but I had NO idea for the first 7 months. His bowel movements were yellow, smelly, and looked like soft serve ice cream. Vet told me this was ok. Smh. I got a...
  7. LillyBeth123

    Recommendations and Help Cryptosporidium

    My kitten tested positive for Cryptosporidium. Has anyone gone through this? What steps should you take to eliminate it from the environment? What medications did you end up giving your kitty? How long did it take to cure? Any recommendation would be amazing! Stressed cat mama.
  8. white shadow

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    ...a couple of paragraphs from the middle of it: (I have added emphasis for you) Over 100 compounds have been used to attempt to treat Cryptosporidium spp. infections in mammals and no compound is consistently effective. In cats, Cryptosporidium spp. associated diarrhea sometimes resolves after...
  9. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    I highly the Hills GI Biome food. It's pricey but worth it! It def helped firm up my cats stool.
  10. Furballsmom

    Recommendations and Help Cryptosporidium

    Hello There are some threads in this list that might be helpful; Search Results for Query: Cryptosporidium
  11. LillyBeth123

    The Mystery Diarrhea

    Update.. it turned out to be Cryptosporidium
  12. S

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    Hi Cliffchen, how is your kitten? My two have crypto - it’s a nightmare and we are struggling to get rid of it :(
  13. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    ...with soft serve ice cream like bowel movements that were yellow and very smelly. I had a fecal PCR ran on him and he was post for Cryptosporidium Felis. We've been fighting with meds off and on since September 2023. It's been so frustrating. It's my understanding that it can be difficult to...
  14. signgirl

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    Also, as a side note. Azithromycin actually made my cats poo worse for a while shortly after starting it. Tylosin did the same thing. I had to titrate up slowly (over a couple days) to minimize side effects.
  15. FeebysOwner

    4 month old kitten - constant bloody diarrhea, parasitic infection?

    ...Many of them will test for Clostridium perfringens, C. difficile, Campylobacter, FPV, Salmonella, Tritrichomonas foetus, Giardia and Cryptosporidium. So, know what is included in the one that is run on your cat. And, ask if there other things that should be tested for as well. Frankly, at...
  16. R

    4 month old kitten - constant bloody diarrhea, parasitic infection?

    Thanks a lot for your response. I’ll keep it in mind. The vet I go to said they would have to send it out to lab for the comprehensive test. So I would just ask for a “fecal PCR test” and make sure that what you’ve listed is included?
  17. maggie101

    Dark and fresh blood in stool and very smelly - photos attached mistake first one was for humans so it can be passed though I wont drink out of her water bowl!
  18. maggie101

    Dark and fresh blood in stool and very smelly - photos attached

    I was curious so I looked it up Parasites - Cryptosporidium (also known as "Crypto") | Cryptosporidium | Parasites | CDC It's a parasite.make sure all your water bowls are clean. Probably shouldn't use tap water
  19. jersharocks

    Cat having diarrhea, Fortiflora helped then made it worse!

    ...Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin (CPA) gene Quant, Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) gene Quant, Cryptosporidium spp., feline coronavirus (FCoV), feline panleukopenia virus, Giardia spp., Salmonella spp., Toxoplasma gondii, and Tritrichomonas blagburni...
  20. daftcat75

    Post Dental Surgery

    Here's a more technical article. TYLOSIN But I am encouraged by this piece: I mean other articles have said that metro is effective against c. perf. But that has not been my experience. Metro seemed to actually set Krista further back. She had a solid poop for a day and then even more mush...