Search Results for Query: MomOfMany

  1. L

    Building your own cat tree- materials?

    There are so many different types of hot glue sticks. What kind do you recommend?
  2. B

    Cheesing is real?!

    south park doesn't simply "make stuff up" all of their episodes exaggerate current events to the point of absurdity. You will not find one topic in a south park episode that does not have some basis in factual reality
  3. S

    Healthy Cat using the shower as a litter box

    Do you know what auto-immune disease it was that your furbaby was suffering from? We have a cat that sounds very similar to this and we haven't been able to find any reasonable causes for her baldness on her back, peeing in the shower and loud bellowing meows she makes? This has progressively...
  4. gatitasmami

    This COCCIDIA is killing us!!!!!

    Corid (amprolium ) solition
  5. kyky kujo

    Auto-immune disease and bleeding from the mouth

    ...thinking that Boots doesn't have AIHA or IMHA at all, since his liver cell count was great when the ordeal began. The LGPS condition that Momofmany mentioned seems a lot closer, but still far away based on his symptoms. The only reason he got anemic was due to the blood loss, and he never got...
  6. ldg

    Stella has cancer... Recommended nutritional plan of action?

    ...oncologist (on a Friday and a Monday). We knew what she was going to tell us: he wanted to fight. But I completely understand. :heart2: Momofmany has a name for their approach to palliative care: Love and cheese danish. It was officially written up here...
  7. silmarien

    Borax for fleas?

    I used borax to kill roaches that had made themselves at home after we'd been away for awhile. My cats didn't touch it so it wasn't a big deal. However I'd err on the side of caution if your cats even roll near it they might get it on their paws and fur and eat it. That would be devastating...
  8. ldg

    Recommendations for heated (indoor) cat beds?

    Yes, Momofmany gave me a wonderful K&H heating pad that warms up when a cat lies on it. We have that one outside for the ferals to use in a nice set-up so the heat is retained. With temps dropping into the 40s at night now, we'll probably plug it in soon... Thanks for the ideas!
  9. ldg

    Feline Leukemia: HELP! kittens, and the cat sequestered the virus in his bone marrow. That just recently happened to one of the kitties of another TCS member, Momofmany. It's definitely best to have the IFA test done to confirm the virus before doing anything, because as Willowy points out, those SNAP tests...
  10. micknsnicks2mom

    How Do You Get Rid of Used Cat Litter?

    has sprinkling the used litters on the gopher/vole runs helped encourage them to go elsewhere? ************************************** i use clumping litter. i usually scoop the clumps into my little 4-gallon trash bag along with the days trash, tie it up, and deposit it in my outside trash...
  11. Anne

    Toothless Cats New article just published. I wanted to thank catwoman707, OrientalSlave, Momofmany and White Cat Lover for sharing their experiences with toothless kitties on the board. I borrowed quotes from all of you, and one awesome picture...
  12. rosie211

    Feline Leukemia: HELP!

    Yes, I think that is what happened. And even the one who tested negative could end up with some other sort of cancer from this being dormant in his system. Thank you.
  13. pat

    Cat with severe weight loss

    I agree that further testing is necessary and quickly. I think Momofmany was spot on with her comments, and just wanted to add that I hope an answer can be found and that Bear will start regaining some of that weight, soon!
  14. ldg

    FLUTD cat driving me crazy...

    It can take a little time for the diet to work. I know others have already said this, but for extremely sensitive cats, any kibble (other than rx) or ANY fish can trigger a problem. Momofmany has a cat like this, Stumpy. :heart2: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
  15. ldg

    We FINALLY moved into our new home!! (HEAPS of pictures LOL)

    ...Until near the end, when she disappeared again. :lol3: I went through a fair amount of angst over what to do about her. In the end, Momofmany pointed out that sometimes it's best to remember the "R" in TNR stands for return, not relocate. Peanutbutter wasn't dependent on us, and knock wood...
  16. mani

    Picture of the Month - Cat Hugs - Final Vote!

    Well done everyone, and congrats to Momofmany and Sugarcatmom.. 2 terrific shots!
  17. ldg

    Help! Kitty with intestinal lymphoma won't eat! doesn't want to prescribe it without a biopsy? At this point, I wouldn't worry one bit about what you're feeding him. A TCS member, Momofmany, calls this "treatment" of terminally ill pets "Love and Cheese Danish," and the explanation is here...
  18. ldg

    My cat has cancer

    ...kitty right now has been referred to on this site as "Love and Cheese Danish." :lol3: This is the origination of that phrase created by Momofmany: It is the most important "medicine" there is: Love. :heart2...
  19. mani

    Allergy Friendly Cat Furniture

    ...probably even have people who produce such things (it's a small market for pets in Australia).  Things with ladders etc that make climbing easy. Momofmany has something that may interest you in the market place: I'm sure others will have ideas!