Search Results for Query: egg yolk lecithin

  1. fionasmom

    Need Help & Advice for Cat with Megacolon

    Ckd and constipation Some information about Miralax and Lactulose Search Results for Query: egg yolk lecithin Egg yolk powder for constipation I have a cat who, while not diagnosed with megacolon, had a major constipation episode. She takes Miralax daily, and I use Laxatone a few times a week...
  2. gabicards

    Egg yolk powder x egg yolk lecithin for hairballs?

    ...again for 5 weeks. I thought he might be allergic to egg yolk, though, as there were drops of blood on his stool, so I switched to egg yolk lecithin... 3 days later we got a hairball (after 5 weeks), then 2 days later another one. Seeing as his behavior and his appetite are fine, I'm not...
  3. daftcat75

    Can Boiled Egg Yolks be Used in Home Made Cat Food?

    ...choline stimulates peristaltic contractions that would help empty the hairball from the stomach and squish it along its way. The egg yolk lecithin will help fat dissolve into solution rather than clump inside and around ingested hair. This second action is what can give the runs to cats fed...
  4. fionasmom

    Egg yolk powder x egg yolk lecithin for hairballs?

    Search Results for Query: egg yolk lecithin There are various accounts and opinions here
  5. gabicards

    Egg yolk powder for constipation

    Hi! Have you tried mixing a little bit of the egg yolk powder to malt paste? My cat wouldn't eat the powder if I mixed it with his food, but mixed with the paste it was fine. It was like a treat to him. I stopped giving it for months and now we're back at it, and he's finally letting me add it...
  6. white shadow

    Many things going on, currently constipation

    ...And, that blockage could be hair. In the intestines, hair can congeal into clumps/balls and these can block the passageway. Egg yolk lecithin prevents these clumps from forming so the hair just passes through. Here's a snip from an amazing website,, that covers all...
  7. gabicards

    Egg yolk powder for constipation

    ...that he doesn't tolerate egg yolk? Or could this be something he's getting used to, that could eventually go away? I did order egg yolk lecithin too, but haven't given that to him. His behavior is great. He plays, eats, pees and grooms normally. I've had an acupuncture/osteopathy session...
  8. daftcat75

    Egg yolk powder for constipation

    ...Egg yolk powder can absolutely be used to treat constipation. As long as it doesn’t swing it in the other direction (it’s the one caution I have for egg yolk powder or egg yolk lecithin—it can work too well!), I think you’re doing great if that simple addition fixed up a long standing problem.
  9. mrsgreenjeens

    Help with throwing up brown sludge

    Agree. You could always go back to using the Egg Yolk Lecithin since it helped before
  10. N

    Many things going on, currently constipation

    One poop! Not too watery, so hope that means the miralax is leaving her system. Still burying. Haha, you got that right that things have to be her way. That was my understanding as well on the poops, that's why I asked, even with the still liquid poop, they said that's likely just the miralax...
  11. tarasgirl06

    Introducing Betty White

    YES! Sounds like a good plan and I hope she does, too! Quality protein.
  12. msserena

    Egg yolk powder for constipation

    Good luck with the egg yolk powder & lecithin. I have a plugged up kitty & she won't eat any of the things I bought, I have almost a whole bag of the Fur for Life dried egg yolk powder & none of my 3 kitties will eat food with it on it. That's why I tried the capsules of lecithin, nope. Same thing!
  13. C

    Egg yolk vs egg lecithin

    My cat has hypomotility issues which caused hairball obstructions. My vet suggested Cat Lax. I also learned egg yolk helps with motility and egg lecithin helps with hairball. I’m giving her 1/4 tsp dried egg yolk powder twice a day. Can I add egg lecithin at the same time?
  14. mrsgreenjeens

    Hair all preventative for a cat with food allergies?

    Or if he can have eggs, egg yolks are good for hairballs. Dried egg yolks, or egg yolk lecithin work well too. One of my cats really like both of those, but the other not so much. You can actually purchase dried egg yolks from Foodfurlife so you don't have to go to the trouble of making them...
  15. LTS3

    Hairball food advice

    Here's info on treating hairballs: How Best to Manage Hairballs A raw egg yolk (no egg white) or a hard cooked whole egg (your choice of cooking method. Boil is probably easiest) that is mashed up and egg yolk lecithin is supposed to help.
  16. LTS3

    Cat Hair Ball

    ...long cylindrical hairball once. Hairballs are wet because they were inside the body where it's moist :) Besides brushing / combing and hairball remedies sold in pet stores, you can give a raw egg yolk (no white) or powdered egg yolk lecithin to help manage hairballs. How Best to Manage Hairballs
  17. daftcat75

    Introducing Betty White down rather than have it come back up. I'd hate to add more capsules to her regimen. But we may also try egg yolk powder or egg yolk lecithin if I can pack a useful amount into a capsule. I would love it if she loved egg yolk as much as Krista did. That would make all of this hairball...
  18. Furballsmom

    Chronic dandruff

    Hi The only things I can think of is to add some egg yolk (powder or lecithin) to his food now and then, also possibly some fish oil or a dab of butter on your finger - these can help with hairballs but also help skin and coat, and additionally, maybe try a different type of brush. Here's a...
  19. daftcat75

    Cat not eating 2.5 days. Bloodwork normal. What to do?

    ...currently sold out. But they have a recipe for how to make your own egg yolk powder on this page. How Best to Manage Hairballs You may also consider egg yolk lecithin which you can dose in smaller amounts if she doesn't like egg yolk itself.
  20. white shadow

    Senior cat constipation and Miralax

    ...spoke about reducing the need for that. A quarter teaspoonful is just fine, as is more or less as required to achieve the desired effect.] Hairballs have been mentioned and from my experience, the sure-fire preventative for those is egg yolk lecithin - more here. Hoping that helps!