Search Results for Query: tumor windpipe

  1. fionasmom

    Tumour near windpipe - terminal

    ...a lot here on TCS about this type of tumor and the above thread is not conclusive, but might be similar. Search Results for Query: tumor windpipe Search Results for Query: tumor in neck Searching brings up greatly diverse conditions ranging from dental issues to abscesses to jaw conditions...
  2. iPappy

    Willy might have cancer / high-grade lymphoma Treatment thread

    I think in some cases, even months could = weeks. If it's a fast moving one, I do believe weeks matter, unfortunately. I've had that subtle feeling as well. It's very hard to describe, but it's just this feeling that things aren't 100% right. Comparing it symmetrically to the opposite side is...
  3. iPappy

    Tumour near windpipe - terminal

    I am so, so, so very happy that the vet gave her a good exam and was able to give you some peace of mind. :) As @fionasmom said, you are very vigilant and have a great eye for how she is acting and can tell when she is feeling unwell. My Levi had a small (not visible) tumor on his windpipe...
  4. cmshap

    Willy might have cancer / high-grade lymphoma Treatment thread

    Second update: 18 days post-chemo (4th dose)... Evening... I am already regretting the decisions I made today. But isn't that how this always goes? Willy had a great morning. He was alert and more active that usual, he was eating a lot, he spent almost 30 minutes at the window. Then he spent...
  5. H

    The Latest On Lincoln

    I said goodbye to my dear boy this morning. The vet said the tumor had grown since she saw it last week and was pressing on his windpipe, as well as fusing his jaw shut. It was very aggressive and he was beginning to have respiratory problems, and obvious pain. We talked about quality over...
  6. Crazy8catlady

    Unexpected vet diagnosis

    I just took the cat to the vet... We thought it was kidney issues and a mouth ulcer from her kidney issues. But then the Dr said "I'm gonna take some blood." About 20 mins later the nurse comes back out and says "ummm have you noticed a breathing issue with her lately? We tried to draw blood and...
  7. H

    Sweet Lincoln

    Yesterday I said goodbye to dear Lincoln (also known as Linky, Linky Bink, Binky Boy, Bink Bonks, The Blueberry Bush, Bushy Boy, and the Link Man). In the past two months he’d been through an awful lot, from initially being diagnosed with kidney disease to finding out just over a week ago that...
  8. Ms. Freya


    Cotton has Hyper-T and when they picked it up his levels were only just above the normal range and he'd had the test not 3 months before and come out fine. The big signs are eating tons, but still losing weight, being more vocal than usual, poor coat/skin, and possibly a bit of a dry cough...
  9. B

    Strange fluid-filled cyst on throat

    I decided to take Woody to see the oncologist, who, after reviewing the tests on Woody's cyst (including an ultrasound and xrays) and consulting with the surgeon, felt that surgery was the best option for treating the cyst. In addition to it pushing his throat and windpipe way out of place...