Search Results for Query: Food for asthma

  1. Meowmee

    Zena now possibly toxo pneumonia again!

    Thanks😀 I slept quite a bit, but I’m still exhausted so hopefully I will sleep a little more before I start calling people. Yes, I definitely feel some kind of weight off of me. I was meaning that I should’ve let her x-ray Quinn when I was there because she was able to examine Quinn. I just...
  2. TeaMatcha

    Excessive Yowling, Bullying of Resident Cat and Constantly Hungry. Why?

    Hi all, I'm currently fostering a stray cat for nearly a month. He has asthma hence he'll need to stay indoor till he find an adopter, he needs inhaler daily. He's neutered btw. No thyroid, no diabetes and in perfect pink health. Anyway, he's constantly bullying my resident female timid cat...
  3. Meowmee

    Zena now possibly toxo pneumonia again!

    1 1/2 days ago, I am sitting on the couch. Zena is in his bed next to me with his paw on me, he is usual self, happy, talkative, eating etc. All of a sudden he jumps up, his back legs are weak and dragging them, and he starts around spinning around in circles too. I try to pick him up and he...
  4. S

    Early ckd signs?

    Hi. Sometimes you have to go through different vets before finding one that can help you. Unfortunately, some vets are more tuned in to dogs than cats. This is why I take my cats to a feline only vet. One of my cats always has an elevated respiratory rate. I saw several vets, including a...
  5. IzzysfureverMom

    Litter help! Looking for low dust

    I could not say. I have not tried Ultra. I scoop it from a container as I need it, I don't pour it. The company says it is. So I don't know I find it different then others I've used. Could it be a marketing ploy? Sure, because like you mentioned there is not much difference in ingredients. Izzy...
  6. syzygycat

    Phosphate Blockers?

    A messed up part about labeling, is that "chicken" could be chicken meat or chicken bone. I was using 1.5 cubes of crumbled Nulo freeze dried chicken as a topper, it was the lowest phosphate freezedried food I found (0.9%DM ) a bit too high to use more. But I when I went to reorder 3 months...
  7. IzzysfureverMom

    Phosphate Blockers?

    Her foods are lower phosphorus. I ran them all by her vet, she said they should be absolutely fine.Love the site you mentioned. I am aware of the discrepancy in phosphorus levels. I know what the AAFCO has listed is definitely to high for a CKD cats or one that has the possibility if becoming...
  8. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Yep, fed is best. He does eat some wet always, he just doesn’t seem to like it in the same way he likes dry so when he leaves a lot of it I always give him some dry to make up for it. He just had a coughy type fit while laying down with me 🙁, he did it once before within the first 24 hours I...
  9. S

    My Jengo is in Stage 3 now. How bad are his numbers?

    Thanks for writing. It's so sad to hear about the health problems of our beloved cats. Your Twyla sure has her share. :-( How do they tell is only one kidney is functioning? An ultra-sound or xray? Jengo's old vet seems to think that his weakness is do to his kidney's failing even though...
  10. Twylasmom

    My Jengo is in Stage 3 now. How bad are his numbers?

    Twyla is 16-17, fluctuates between stage 2 and stage 3, with one functioning kidney. She is hyperthyroid, has high bp, a heart murmur, arthritis and asthma. She has had 14 Solensia injections so far and has not experienced any side effects, it does seem to help, though the difference seems less...
  11. Tobermory

    Crate and Water Bowl- Moving Across Country w Cats

    I’ve moved cross country multiple times with three cats (including from Utah to Michigan and Michigan to Colorado). It’s a bit stressful, but as long as you’re prepared, it will all work out! I don’t know how comfortable your cats are with travel; mine hated it. They just hunkered down and...
  12. Amanda26

    Getting my Semi Feral Cat Back?

    Hi everyone, I have been caring for 2 semi feral cats for a few years now outside. They started getting sick and stuck in crawlspaces recently, and I brought them both into my apartment a few months ago. This has been a very challenging year for me at work and emotionally, and this situation...
  13. lisahe

    Is there a liquid treat that does not contain fish or chicken (possible allergens)?

    If there's a pate food she'll eat, you could try processing some in a mini-processor with a little water. Some foods will come out lickable that way. Personally, I'd start by figuring that this -- a form of stress -- is what happened. I often take a "path of least resistance" approach to cat...
  14. D

    Fancy Feast Classic Issues

    My 16-year old cat Boris just had issues eating Fancy Feast - without going into too much detail, it turns out that he potentially has other GI issues but it got really bad two weeks ago (he occasionally barfs, but I could tell this time was different). After several trips to the vet and...
  15. T

    Plz help! Cat won’t stop gagging

    We don’t have any indoor plants but there are a lot of outdoor plants around our yard. Nothing we planted, just random plants that pop up. We live in the country in the Deep South and with it being Spring all sorts of random weeds and shrubbery are popping up overnight. He’s lived here his...
  16. T

    Plz help! Cat won’t stop gagging

    My 8 year old neutered male cat, Axl, that we rescued when he was an abandoned kitten has something wrong. Early this morning he sneezed several times in a row and then he ran off to another room. Several hours later I heard the loudest, most odd coughing/gagging sound. I actually thought it was...
  17. F

    Cat on Miralax for Pancreatitis

    Nods. And I feel a bit better as I don't see anything like that in the US - I do see thickening of the small intestine mentioned. Which is new. It mentions that area "An inflammatory response is suspected although small cell lymphoma cannot be completely differentiated in the small bowel."...
  18. ImaRobot

    Cat Obese From Steroids

    I have a similar situation with my oldest. He has light asthma and comes in once a year or so for a steroid shot as well. The first time he got it he gained at least 4 lbs, totaling out to 14lbs and manage to sustain it there since then. hes a very long cat so it doesnt look as big on him, but...
  19. pepsiandmax

    I need to air out the situation, and would welcome any advice

    Thanks for the reply. For the food. Oh boy. See if I were to switch him onto a wet food only diet, with no gravy. He would go on a hunger strike. He lost 0,7kg last year when he went on a wet food diet, and that was with gravy. He is very picky. If I open a packet of wet food, he will only eat...
  20. S

    I need to air out the situation, and would welcome any advice

    Hi. I am not a veterinarian and don’t have a license. What concerns me is that he was put on Metacam which is known to cause kidney damage in some cats. It is not supposed to be used in cats with renal impairment. I know you said his numbers were within the “normal” range, but you did say they...