Search Results for Query: feeding tube

  1. S

    E tube with Hepatic Lipidosis

    Hi everyone... I have been reading many different peoples stories on here and decided to post my own. My girl Zelda has hepatic lipidosis. She was hospitalized on 03/14 for anemia, elevated liver enzymes, and post op monitoring as she had a foreign object removed from her small intestine. I...
  2. S

    Liver Problems and Feeding Issues

    Hi. You really cannot sustain a cat with syringe feedings. The best chance for a good outcome is to get an esophageal feeding tube placed and feed that way. The good thing about the feeding tube it also makes it very easy to give medications and liver support supplements that way. Is your cat...
  3. reba

    Liver Problems and Feeding Issues

    To ask a difficult question, if we cannot get enough food into him, is it better to just say goodbye rather than let him (I would think) starve to death. I just don’t think they are up for the feeding tube route as the cat is 15 y.o. He’s not severely jaundiced from what i can tell.
  4. FeebysOwner

    Asking for good thoughts for Jack

    I am still holding out hope, but agree with the above about a feeding tube. Have you discussed this as a possible option?
  5. S

    Tips to motivate a cat with an esophagostomy tube to start eating on their own?

    Hi. It is way to soon to expect her to want to eat on her own. Give it another week without trying to get her to eat. You can cause food aversion if you do. Then start offering food before the tube feeding. Any difficulty with the tube feedings?
  6. G

    Feeding Tube Aspiration

    Hi everyone! My sweet Ginger was put on a feeding tube, esophageal on Monday. My question is for those with experience, do you need to aspirate the tube? Our vet did not send this instruction, but I see it on how to videos. thank you in advance
  7. FeebysOwner

    Urgent - cat suddenly not eating, euthenasia scheduled

    You could consider a feeding tube to sustain her while they do some tests, such as an ultrasound. What tests have they already ran?
  8. M

    E tube questions

    Hey y’all, my darling companion Tofu has been using a feeding tube in her neck for a week. She’s 16 and I’ve been with her since she was 3 months old. She’s a Manx and in the past five years has always had a little constipation. Lost weight and is now dealing with fatty liver. They did the...
  9. R

    SOS Feral Cat Dying

    Maggie's getting fitted with a feeding tube! The vet just called. She (the vet) just gave me the run down. I have to feed her every 4 to 6 hours and then clean/flush it after every feeding. She keeps the tube in for as long as she needs it. Could be a week, could be a few months. We'll see...
  10. X

    Cat recently diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis & feeding tube issues

    ...on Tuesday. Long story short, my ones cat was eating my other cats food and he developed hepatic lipidosis from this and had to have a feeding tube placed. He was fine the first few days but on day four he vomited every meal. He was constipated and staining to poop so I got him pure pumpkin...
  11. Furballsmom

    SOS Feral Cat Dying

    I'm sorry that happened with Frank. Nonetheless, it's Maggie, and getting her fed, that is absolutely the most important right now. Were you able to utilize the feeding tube?
  12. J

    IBD cat not eating

    If the pilling is the holdup, I'd get a feeding tube ASAP while she's relatively healthy. You can give her extra food & all the meds that way until she's stabilized. Please read the following & consider talking to a vet. Feeding tube in a feline. Why being aggressive saves you one of those 9 lives.
  13. StefanZ

    10 days premature

    working with syringe is usually good enough. but safer may be a sond into stomach [=tube feeding]. this is tricky the first time you do it, and you must have proper gears. do you have a vet or rescuer nearby whom can show you??
  14. FeebysOwner

    Tips to motivate a cat with an esophagostomy tube to start eating on their own? my gut feeling - follows what was said above - that one week may not be enough to expect her to want to eat on her own. She is on a feeding tube, so from that standpoint she is fine. You can try every day in between tube feedings to see if she will take anything on her own - if she does...
  15. J

    16 year old female cat not eating and we are told it’s hyperthyroidism?

    From my experience, I'd get her on a feeding tube ASAP. Twice I've tried the gels/syringe & it wasn't enough. I think my last cat might've lived had I gotten him on the feeding tube while we diagnosed him.
  16. mrsgreenjeens

    Liver Problems and Feeding Issues, and you said the Vet did say his prognosis is poor. I would say chances are not that good for recovery if they do not have that feeding tube installed. Do you know if the Vet suggested it? I'm pretty sure it's not a very invasive surgery, but of course it would require anesthesia...
  17. L

    *Need advice* Senior cat has Oral cancer

    The vet wouldn’t recommend a feeding tube especially if she’s still alert and conscious. They said the syringe by mouth is the best method.
  18. A

    Pregnant cat, 10% excitement, 90% major stress

    ...special teat that sticks to a syringe, and won't suck from my finger. I'm the end I've giving a snall amount of kitten formula through a feeding tube (that isn't in her stomach) - when she's suckingbon mum, I slip the thin feeding tube in her mouth, and then use the syringe attached to it, to...
  19. Furballsmom

    *Need advice* Senior cat has Oral cancer

    This is a long thread and I admittedly haven't read through it all. Have you considered a feeding tube?
  20. Lisannez

    16 year old female cat not eating and we are told it’s hyperthyroidism?

    Thank you for this. We were able to get an entire tin of food into her today through a syringe we blended it up. She does not fight us when we are feeding her, she licks and swallows but wants nothing on her own. We will look into the feeding tube.