Search Results for Query: prilosec

  1. syzygycat

    Ultrasound for Intestinal wall thickening

    ...worse than 5mos ago (as expected). Aside from the RX food and apetite stimulant she was already taking. The vet recommended giving 5mg prilosec or Pepcid and had me return for another appointment to add 50mL subcutaneous fluid/day. (another $250 for the visit and supplies) TLDR: on the...
  2. FeebysOwner

    Prilosec help pleaseee

    Hi. So sorry no one has responded to your post yet. Did you do a search on this site to see if others have used Prilosec and at what dosage? =1&c[nodes][0]=4&o=relevance']Search Results for Query: prilosec | TheCatSite
  3. S

    Prilosec help pleaseee who hasn’t felt 100% in 5 months finally felt good and I can’t get anyone to listen that that’s what he needed. I just went and bought Prilosec and want to give it to him but the ER won’t tell me what the dosage is or give me something else because the internet that treated him is out...
  4. S

    Prilosec help pleaseee

    Found this post while searching for info on Prilosec (Omeprazole). Did this med help your Oliver to feel better? My Jengo is still vomiting about every other day and doesn't eat enough. I think that he has an upset stomach because of acid. Hoping to find something that works. The vet...
  5. S

    Prilosec help pleaseee

    Yes, I figured out it’s not OTC. I finally talked to someone that prescribed a compounded Prilosec. I’m hoping this works. Thank you for your reply.
  6. Kwik

    In desperate need for help with vomiting

    ...ulcers in the stomach & the upper part of the small intestine( rather than a H2RA Famitadine type drug)Omeprazole brand names eg: Gastrogard,Prilosec and Losec) it is more beneficial if it's gastro intestinal ulceration causing the acid reflux etc and would address either,the H2RAs would...
  7. T

    I dropped a 20mg omeprazole (Prilosec) pill and can’t find it. If my cats do, is there anything I should be worried about?

    I was taking it out of the package and it dropped. I looked on the ground in the area and found NOTHING. How the heck it disappeared, I don’t know. I’m a worrier, so I am concerned they’ll sniff it out and find it while I’m gone and get sick. Is this a valid worry?
  8. LTS3

    Need advise on managing IBD. Any success stories?

    ...contains an ingredient that is toxic to cats. Omeprazole (Human brand name Prilosec) can also be given to cats, too. You can discuss either with your vet...
  9. Astragal14

    Cat started prednisolone and vomiting has gotten worse. Any advice is appreciated

    ...and 1 otc): metronidazole (for diarrhea), Cerenia (for nausea), Carafate (to help the esophagus heal after vomiting so much) and omeprazole (Prilosec for stomach acid). I ended up switching him from Prilosec to Pepcid (famotidine). Some cats don't respond as well to Pepcid but it was fine...
  10. jagged37

    Chronic urination issue in house - giving Amitriptyline - what is max dose allowed?

    ...Ed, mentioned her heart condition but she also has been diagnosed with IBS with chronic constipation and is being treated for that with Prilosec and metoclopamide with Benefiber and probiotic for her constipation. I spoke with the vet today and she is also prescribing lactulose for her...
  11. K

    Hepatic Lipidosis - Help! surgery since he is immunocompromised) an he seemed to do a bit better with them. What he is currently taking: Zofran Denamarin Prilosec Miralax Ursodiol Also, when all this started happenign his T4 was checked and it was at 2.1. This is in normal range but I was told can be...
  12. Astragal14

    Can slippery elm bark be given within less than two hours of s. boulardii or other probiotics?

    ...the ingredients are great! And sometimes it's a matter of timing meals and snacks, sometimes it requires medications (for example, Pepcid/Prilosec or Cerenia). ANIMAL ESSENTIALS Daily Digestion Breath & Digestion Support Dog & Cat Supplement, 1-oz bottle - ANIMAL ESSENTIALS Colon...
  13. S

    When Did Praziquantel Get so Expensive?

    ...lot, but each pill was basically $5.73 ($172 a month). A tapeworm pill that's been around for over 20 years is $4.25. Meanwhile, my generic Prilosec is $0.35 a pill. My mom just paid $13.99 (about $0.04 a tablet) for 365 tablets of generic Zyrtec at Costco. Ok, just looked up the human...
  14. Mamanyt1953

    Cat vomiting AFTER STOPPING antibiotics?

    Yeah. And I failed to connect the sad fact that vomiting often begets more vomiting as the tummy gets more sensitive. Vicious circle kinda thing. I can tell you that I take Prilosec (generic, omeprazole) and couldn't make it without it. Wonderful stuff.
  15. dkb817

    Cat vomiting AFTER STOPPING antibiotics?

    Oh I've been on prilosec before myself (GERD sufferer, Lansoprazole tends to work better for me), so I 'get' the mechanism behind it. Simon didn't throw up yesterday (which was wonderful!), though he did still have a liquid stool which I could deal with until his system has time to sort...
  16. T

    Lymphoma or IBD was perfect, but after an xray showing some backed up poop and foam in the stomach we started him on Miralax (1/8t twice a day) and Prilosec (1/2 tablet once a day). That definitely helped with the constipation issue but the throwing up continued and then progressed to a lack of...
  17. M

    Update on young cat losing appetite update to help others in the same boat as me. Mika's regular vet put her on the oral form of mirtazapine, ondansetron for nausea, and prilosec for acid reflux. She also referred me to an internal medicine specialist. The mirtazapine slowly lost effect on her appetite, and I did my best to...
  18. dkb817

    Cat vomiting AFTER STOPPING antibiotics?

    ...than it being more of a puddle. It only took roughly 16 days (since the first dose of Clavamox), additional probiotics, cerenia, and Prilosec to get to this point :tongue: I'm not naive enough to think we're entirely in the clear on the antibiotics aftermath just yet, but we needed a win...
  19. Astragal14

    Need help with vomiting cat

    ...before or after giving any other medication or supplement because it inhibits absorption), or acid reducing medications (like Pepcid or Prilosec). But you should discuss acid reducers with your vet first; hopefully this can be managed without them. To summarize: Right now, I recommend...
  20. Astragal14

    ongoing issues, feeling overwhelmed

    ...reducer and B12 injections. The acid reducer will help reduce his nausea, and will probably be either famotidine (Pepcid) or omeprazole (Prilosec). Personally, I would choose famotidine if he is also dealing with a respiratory issue because omeprazole has the potential to decrease his white...