Search Results for Query: seizures or epilepsy in cats

  1. white shadow

    Cat seizures

    . Hi @Twinkster - if she's approaching - or, near - ten, then you'd be wise to ensure her blood pressure's checked as well. High blood pressure can be a factor in seizure activity. Once you get past the diagnostics, you might want to consider joining up with one of the specialized online feline...
  2. J

    Limbic Encephalitis - Rare autoimmune disease and seizures

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and posting online in general so apologies in advance if you read this whole post as I think it will end up being very, very long - but worthwhile hopefully to someone. My cat Pom was recently diagnosed with Limbic Encephalitis. It's a rare autoimmune...
  3. fionasmom

    Seeking Help. I don't know what is wrong with my cat and neither does my vet.

    Poor Lou! CBD can affect cats negatively, but the affects should wear off, even severe one which might require a trip to the ER. You are three months out from having given it. It may be coincidental to the CBD oil, so it appears to be a side effect. I am not a vet, but I agree that it is...
  4. fionasmom


    As the others have said, it is a little surprising that you have not been given a referral to a neurologist. The cause of seizures can be hard to pinpoint, so the longer you wait the more time you are delaying a diagnosis. While many causes of seizures will not apply to your cat; i.e., I assume...
  5. T

    Cat seizures

    She is just turned 2 last month. I will check out that group.
  6. white shadow


    Hi @Corip8 and a very warm welcome to the forum! I was stunned to read your update today, and it's left me really wondering. There are a multitude of causes for seizures and, while tumors are included there, it seems to me (in the absence of hearing any of the Vet's reasoning ["differential...
  7. maggie101

    New to Phenobarbital

    If he has not been diagnosed with epilepsy yet,consider using pet medical insurance though the down payment is a lot. The caughing,no idea. phenobarbital is the very first drug I used for seizures decades ago since you don't know which one,if any,is causing the coughing stay on it. As...
  8. Corip8


    The vet looked at the tooth and really didn’t say much about it. She had another small seizure while we were there so the entire focus of the visit shifted to that issue. The dr said since her blood work and heart tests were perfect there was nothing she could pinpoint that could cause the...
  9. Adnil95

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    Hello, I’m new here and was reading this tread in order to search for experiences of phenobarbital usage in cats. First, let me say that I’m sorry for all that happened to you and Freya. I was reading your experience and I can say that I definitely understand the vet frustration - I am...
  10. cat nap

    Involuntary movement spasms

    ...doing a "Search" the upper right hand corner of the Cat Site...brought a number of threads concerning 'seizures or epilepsy in cats': Search Results for Query: seizures or epilepsy in cats The one I found very helpful was post #3...from '@ white shadow'...where they mention some other...
  11. O

    When a fighting spirit isn't enough - life is harsh and unfair - but you are not alone

    The last time I wrote on this forum was almost exactly four years ago. My original post is here: I know I probably made the right decision... but I feel terrible and devastated Quick recap: we had to put our eldest cat to sleep because her thyroid was shut, the cure which was an expensive...
  12. Antonio65

    Phenobarbital - experiences?

    Hi @Adnil95, welcome to TCS. I'm sorry to read what happened to your Salem. Though it's clear that she has epilepsy due to the recurrence of several episodes of seizure or grand mal seizure, I wonder how your first vet was able to diagnose an epilepsy from only one episode that you told him...
  13. Natalusky29


    Hello,the 12nd of August my cat was diagnosed with epilepsy due to a previous intoxication,however the vet didnt make any testing and gave me phenobarbital in case I needed it. Today (21st August) she had another seizure and I can’t take her to the vet until Monday morning (23rd) I’m taking her...
  14. fionasmom


    What to Know About Phenobarbital Seizure Treatment for Cats This article addresses cats a little more than dogs. Usually phenobarbital is used for dogs with seizures, but can be used for cats. I have never treated a cat with it, so can't give you any first hand experiences. With dogs, the...
  15. cat nap

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Thank you so much for this update. I am so glad that something is working for her. :bluepaw: @gpfr88 ...I think there is nothing wrong with you starting another thread in the "Health" section of the Cat Site...since really...the partial seizures are more of a health issue...than a behaviour...
  16. maggie101

    2 month old kitten keeps having seizures

    Seizures and Epilepsy in Cats maybe an xray of the brain? I am no vet. Just a guess Hope this helps. Call or email them Are you in the us?
  17. Pudner1

    Cat goes into convulsions when petted on certain areas of back

    Hi Margret My heart goes out to you - I have vertigo since I got Covid - wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I totally get knowing confusion over what direction 'up' is. I am glad to hear it is a bit better since you acclimatised to Keppra. Another person in my family has epilepsy too - it...
  18. PushPurrCatPaws

    My cat is having progressive tremors and any advice is more than welcome

    That's why I say it takes a particular experienced vet or doctor to have gone over all the possibilities or symptoms, to then decide if trying a certain medicine is a good avenue to move forward. There are meds that can work for a variety of issues and sometimes you have to turn to trying a...
  19. fionasmom

    Scents/Smells give my cat seziures

    Welcome to The Cat Site! I have to agree that you need a scent free house. If it is any consolation to you, most manufactured scents contain harmful chemicals. This includes scents in household products, personal care products, and decorative products. I am not sure from reading your post, but...
  20. B

    Help, we can’t figure out what’s wrong with Marble

    You can post it through another platform like youtube and have it accessible by only the link if you don't want it to be public. What you're describing sounds like a focal or partial seizure to me, but realistically there is no way to know without a vet seeing that video. "Compared with dogs...