Please Can Anyone Tell Me If Their Cat Ever Went Back To Normal After A Steroid Injection

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 17, 2019
Ineffective is still safe, just means it doesn't work. I did not randomly choose thuja from an internet search. I was told to use it from an experienced doctor who taught me what it was and how to use it. She also warned me that she has seen it work for some and do nothing for others. My cat went from not moving all day, not meowing, not caring about his surroundings, not grooming himself, having lost all his personality to acting 90% himself within a day.

Please do not just read an article and scare people with reports on death and seizures when what you are referring to is not the kind of Thuja I used. Thuja is processed in multiple different ways and some, like thuja oil, are toxic. Boiron Thuja pellets are homeopathic dilutions that are non-toxic. However, it is never good to overdo anything. That is why my vet said as soon as he shows improvement I was to stop giving him Thuja. Makes sense since you shouldn't take something for no reason. There are all kinds of Thuja in different forms, so anyone reading this in the future to try and help their sick cat, please consult a vet who is experienced in homeopathy because there are toxic forms of it.

I am way more concerned about how toxic vaccines and steroids and other regular vet procedures are. I am never going to a regular vet again and my cat is NEVER getting vaccines or steroids again.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 2, 2018
Rockville, MD
Ineffective is still safe, just means it doesn't work. I did not randomly choose thuja from an internet search. I was told to use it from an experienced doctor who taught me what it was and how to use it. She also warned me that she has seen it work for some and do nothing for others. My cat went from not moving all day, not meowing, not caring about his surroundings, not grooming himself, having lost all his personality to acting 90% himself within a day.

Please do not just read an article and scare people with reports on death and seizures when what you are referring to is not the kind of Thuja I used. Thuja is processed in multiple different ways and some, like thuja oil, are toxic. Boiron Thuja pellets are homeopathic dilutions that are non-toxic. However, it is never good to overdo anything. That is why my vet said as soon as he shows improvement I was to stop giving him Thuja. Makes sense since you shouldn't take something for no reason. There are all kinds of Thuja in different forms, so anyone reading this in the future to try and help their sick cat, please consult a vet who is experienced in homeopathy because there are toxic forms of it.

I am way more concerned about how toxic vaccines and steroids and other regular vet procedures are. I am never going to a regular vet again and my cat is NEVER getting vaccines or steroids again.
The FDA does not evaluate homeopathic products for safety or effectiveness. The amounts of the thuja in the product may be higher than the packaging claims. I have not "just read an article" about this; the majority of homeopathy is either entirely ineffective or potentially harmful. The NIH has a great overview of the history of homeopathy and studies evaluating it.

I'm also saying to be careful because you should not neglect core vaccines and visits to a licensed vet because of one bad experience. The website where you bought the thuja dilution states this, in fact.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 17, 2019
The FDA does not evaluate homeopathic products for safety or effectiveness. The amounts of the thuja in the product may be higher than the packaging claims. I have not "just read an article" about this; the majority of homeopathy is either entirely ineffective or potentially harmful. The NIH has a great overview of the history of homeopathy and studies evaluating it.

I'm also saying to be careful because you should not neglect core vaccines and visits to a licensed vet because of one bad experience. The website where you bought the thuja dilution states this, in fact.
I did not buy this on a website. I got it at whole foods. It's boiron pellets. I posted that site because I couldn't find the kind I got. What you posted, saying "some thuja has thujone that is toxic" is not what I used or what anyone should use. Thujone just means the oil of thuja. Thuja oil is toxic. Anyone should learn about any medicines they wish to take, but the pellets go through a dilution process that are safe and non-toxic, as I said. You are speaking about homeopathy in general which encompasses are large amount of medicine and history and I am only speaking for Thuja pellets which are non-toxic.

I will neglect vaccines. My cat nearly died, passed out unresponsive once and not moving or doing anything for almost two weeks. Of course, I am not going to give him more vaccines with him having bad reactions like that.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 17, 2019
I did not buy this on a website. I got it at whole foods. It's boiron pellets. I posted that site because I couldn't find the kind I got. What you posted, saying "some thuja has thujone that is toxic" is not what I used or what anyone should use. Thujone just means the oil of thuja. Thuja oil is toxic. Anyone should learn about any medicines they wish to take, but the pellets go through a dilution process that are safe and non-toxic, as I said. You are speaking about homeopathy in general which encompasses are large amount of medicine and history and I am only speaking for Thuja pellets which are non-toxic.

I will neglect vaccines. My cat nearly died, passed out unresponsive once and not moving or doing anything for almost two weeks. Of course, I am not going to give him more vaccines with him having bad reactions like that.
OK, so here is the exact form of Thuja I used.

Thuja occidentalis


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 2, 2018
Rockville, MD
Homeopathic remedies, including the tablets you used, are formulated by dilution of usually toxic or otherwise harmful substances (like thuja occidentalis, which contains thujone). The premise is that "like cures like" -- so in basic a terms, a harmful substance reduced to a non-toxic level should cure disease.

I'm sorry that your cat seems to have had a bad reaction to a vaccine, and I'm glad he is better. But one bad experience should not be used to deter other users from life-saving vaccines and regular vet care.

It also seems that your cat's reaction might be due to the vet's poor judgment in administering multiple vaccines along with steroids, which suppress the immune system.
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 17, 2019
I started this thread to help myself and others know what to expect and what can be done if their cat has bad reactions to steroids or vaccines. I couldn't find answers anywhere. In person vet visits did not help. I even paid money to speak to two online vets who also did not give me any answers or any advice that could help my cat. I was struggling bad and my cat was showing no sign of improvement as he was almost nearing the two week mark. Thuja saved my cat, but it's not something you should do without experienced veterinary help. I would not have known how to do this safely without the vets help. I am not trying to tell people to never get their cat vaccinated but to urge them to be careful and arm yourself with knowledge about side-effects, and potential risks of getting multiple vaccines in one day, and also consider your pets age as well.

YOU must be knowledgeable because most vets, as I experienced, will not discuss any of this and just see dollar signs with vaccines. My vet pumped my 12 year old cat with multiple vaccines and steroids within a few minutes time and nearly killed him because I did not know any better and trusted that the doctor would know what's best. She did nothing to help afterwards, even though he was so sick, because she did not want to take blame. A bad situation nobody should ever get themselves in to. My cat continues to get a little better each day, but he still cannot play like he used to. He is having breathing issues. Vaccines and/or steroids can sometimes cause thickening of the heart. I really hope this did not happen. I will find out Thursday when the mobile vet comes to my house. Hopefully this thread might help someone in the future and don't hesitate to contact me through here (I get notifications), if you have any questions about this experience.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I totally understand your caution and concern. I hope your baby will continue to recover, and that no heart issue is found. And, even if there is, that there is a treatment they can give him to help.

I do know that my vet suggested several years back that since Feeby (14+ yo) is an indoor-only cat that we stop vaccinations, and we did. While she had them for several years before that, he didn't seem to think that they were any longer necessary to administer them - and, I am sure it has to do with possible risks associated with the combination of age and vaccinations in general.

Please keep us posted on how things go with Binky's next visit with the vet!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 2, 2018
Rockville, MD
You're right, no one should have an experience like you did, and the vets you spoke to were in the wrong. I'm glad that you found a treatment that worked for your kitty.

At the same time, it's not wrong for other visitors to this site to know the potential side effects of thuja occidentalis so that they know to ask their vets about the risks -- just like any visitor to this site should be empowered to ask their vets about the risks of administering multiple vaccines in one visit, the risks of steroids, or the potential effects of vaccinations on a senior cat.

Furthermore, the medication in question has never been studied for its effects on cats, only humans. This, again, is something that other readers of this post should know.

Also, you did state that you would never allow your cat to get vaccines or go to a "regular" vet after this experience. I understand that you had a terrible couple of weeks, but your experience with a few vets doesn't mean that "most" are out for your money and don't care at all about your pets. There are many amazing and caring vets out there who aren't governed by their desire for dollars, as plenty of users of this site can attest, including me.

Again, I'm glad that your kitty is doing better.