Recent Content by ZooeyCat

  1. Z

    Spay Incision Site - Is this normal?

    Ok, I hope so! Thank you!
  2. Z

    Spay Incision Site - Is this normal?

    Thank you so much, the pictures are helpful. I emailed the vet and will call tomorrow as well!
  3. Z

    Spay Incision Site - Is this normal?

    Okay, thank you, I contacted my vet. I left her at home for a few hours yesterday and when I came back, her cone had come off. Think she may have been licking her wound while I was away but it looked pretty normal yesterday.
  4. Z

    Spay Incision Site - Is this normal?

    Hi! This is probably posted a lot but I'm worried about my cat's incision site. There seems to be some dried blood on the site. She's not currently bleeding but the blood looks new. The incision site is also slightly lumpy and because of that it looks like it might be slightly open. I really...