Recent Content by yay kitties

  1. Y

    Help! My cat won't drink on her own since we moved.

    I have tried chicken broth and she was no more nor less interested in it than water, as far as I could tell. I could only get her to drink it with the same method, putting treats in the water. Maybe this tuna juice idea would work. Where do I get this though? I imagine I can't just buy cans of...
  2. Y

    Help! My cat won't drink on her own since we moved.

    My wife and I moved across the state about a month ago and ever since then our cat Shai (female, 7 years old, 10 lbs) won't drink water on her own. She used to drink out of a glass (wouldn't drink out of a bowl or fountain--she's always been picky) but since we moved she won't touch that water...