Recent Content by wild horse

  1. W

    Cat Bullying?

    Thanks for the much needed advice, Columbine. :) I did have a sudden feeling of something was missing when the 3 yo came home... Should've realized a scent re-introduction would have helped. Haven't tried spirit essences before, as my small town is limited with everything. But I'll look into...
  2. W

    This is rather embarrassing.

    I wish I could help you. I have a half bag of high protein Whiskas (not much choice) that I need to give away. It was opened no more than 2 weeks ago. I hate to waste food as there are starving mouths out there. :(
  3. W

    Cat Bullying?

    I have several cats and also fostering a mom & kittens. They are 8.5 weeks and are ready to go, but for the moment, I need to know if these behaviours are bullying or not. A 3 yo male (fixed) came back after being away for a few weeks. He has met everyone prior to leaving, now he's...