Recent Content by user1323

  1. user1323

    Deworming Questions

    thank you for taking the time to share your experience with me. What you describe is actually what their vet had mentioned i would be seeing. Unfortunately, I still have yet to find any trace of worms in their stool. Ive decided i will continue to keep an eye out for any signs of worms in their...
  2. user1323

    Deworming Questions

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I actually did not know that there was a possibility the worms could be digested (yuck! :barfgreen:) but knowing that now, it does make sense. Im still on the look out for segments of course but your information has put some ease to my mind.
  3. user1323

    Deworming Questions

    Thank you for taking the time to replay. I still have not seen any signs of worms in stool. After a little more research I found that, apparently, Drontal is supposed to "incinerate" the parasites. Im wondering if this is why I'm unable to find any trace of worms. I will continue to keep an eye...
  4. user1323

    Introducing Wiley And Kali :)

    Hello everyone! My name is Nichole and I'm 26 years old. I recently came across this site when I was looking for information regarding some concerns I was facing with my two new rescue kitties. I found this site very informative and everyone seemed so helpful and friendly I decided to join the...
  5. user1323

    Deworming Questions

    I recently adopted two rescue kittens and quickly after bringing them home noticed the female had what looked like a grain of rice near her anus. Then later that evening I noticed the male had a long white strand hanging out of his. I immediately took them to the vet and both tested positive for...