Recent Content by twintriode

  1. T

    After Care Tips For Urethra Blockage

    My cat had the same thing, and believe it or not my vet said that they could essentially make a vagina out of his penis and therefor he would not have blocks anymore. Not because of any hangups but I opted to buy the food for 8yrs. I agree it is way expensive. Having 4 cats makes this (as far as...
  2. T

    Help. Cat Has Urinary Crystals

    My boy had stones. One time he was blocked for the entire weekend. I had nowhere I could take him. He survived, but the vet was very concerned that he had kidney damage from being blocked for that long of a period. He did not. He was 8 when he had his first block. I just put him down today at...
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    I really appreciate both of your kind notes.
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    I suspect at some point we will laugh about it.
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow more because this is the one I really wanted to post in the first place. Its never easy. I still think about Chloe some 18yrs later. The thing about pets in general is they give. They don't care about politics, religion, race, and all that other stupid shit we human use to...
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    Lets just say he ate. He was on Feline KD medical food for 8yrs because of stones. I'm not sure if he really liked it or not. I didn't, that stuff was crazy expensive, and now I have a new bag sitting here. I will say up to that food he ate he had not eaten in over a week. NOTHING.
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    At 10:13 Felix went to sleep peacefully. When we took him out of his caddy he was heaving. I felt so bad for him. I actually kinda snapped at my wife and told her to get away from him. I just knew he was in distress and needed air. She didn't know. I've posted a picture of him from just 4 months...
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    Thank you all. Good news; my wife and I had cry time with Felix yesterday and my wife gave him a can of wet food I bought months ago. He ate it up. It felt good to see him eat. He has been on feline KD since he was 8. That crap is expensive. Its my understanding that there is not much protein in...
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    I think what makes this hard is that at some point we have to put an expiration date on our pets that we love so much. The fact that we know exactly when they will be no more is hard. If they were able to choose their our route it would probably be much easier on us humans. Here at 4:16a EST I...
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    Well thank you. I created my account to celebrate his life. I think the more positive I can be the better it will be, but this is only a theory.
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    Putting My 16yo Down Tomorrow

    Well for the second time I have found the perfect cat. The first was a female, Chloe. She died in 2000 at 8yrs of CHF. I tried to prolong her life and gave her the prescribed Cardizm which she HATED and mostly got smart and would either not eat what it was mixed in with or would drool while I...