Recent Content by tk8674

  1. T

    Need Help Catching! - Doesn't Like To Be Touched

    I did try having the carrier out the last time around but I had only bought it maybe two days before trying to put him in it. Also, it ended up being rather small - he couldn't move around too much - so it probably wasn't that inviting. I hadn't realized how big he got. I will go today and...
  2. T

    Need Help Catching! - Doesn't Like To Be Touched

    Yes, I know it would be better if I had someone to house-sit. Believe me, I begged my friend. Guys really, I'd love to have someone come to my house (actually I wouldn't - the thought of another person alone in my house for 3-4 weeks horrifies me - but I would do it for Enki). But when I...
  3. T

    Need Help Catching! - Doesn't Like To Be Touched

    Yes, I'm also concerned about catching him again to bring him home. I hadn't thought about a humane trap. I could look into finding something here. I'm not concerned about him being traumatized just being there. He settled in to my place so well and he's actually rather familiar with her...
  4. T

    Need Help Catching! - Doesn't Like To Be Touched

    It's not what it sounds like - I am not kidnapping an unwilling furry companion. Long story short, I work in Iraq and we have many, many, many feral cats here. However, this poor guy showed up in my garden four months ago in very bad shape. Someone had cut his throat, he was skin and bones...