Recent Content by throwaway4kitty

  1. T

    Feeling bad about putting my cat to sleep

    Yes, I think it must be his time, and I agree with what daftcat said. He is old and has two chronic diseases, as well as a heart murmur that he had from birth (we found him as a stray kitten.) It’s just hard because I get doubts about whether or not he has some life left to live in him still...
  2. T

    Feeling bad about putting my cat to sleep

    He has been very lethargic, doesn’t want to leave his cat bed. The only reason he gets up is to drink water and use the litterbox. He is still not eating. I am not sure if this is due to the mass or because of his kidney disease. Also he is still dehydrated. It all depends on how good his...
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    Feeling bad about putting my cat to sleep

    How about if not cancerous/malignant? We didn’t do any biopsy. He is still old, very underweight and his kidney function is not good anymore. So I’m not sure if treatment would be a good idea regardless.
  4. T

    Feeling bad about putting my cat to sleep

    Thanks, I had spoken to a vet and she did recommend euthanasia.
  5. T

    Feeling bad about putting my cat to sleep

    I know it must be kinda pointless to ask, but I can’t shake the feeling that if we just gave him surgery then he would come back to life. Am I wrong for feeling that way? ☹
  6. T

    Feeling bad about putting my cat to sleep

    I know what the right answer must be, but it still hurts me. My 16 year old cat has had hyperthyroid and borderline chronic kidney disease for well over half a year. He started gaining weight once we got him on thyroid medication and a renal diet, so I thought he started improving. But recently...