Recent Content by Thewildflowermama

  1. Thewildflowermama

    When to supplement with formula

    Ok great! Thank you for the help!
  2. Thewildflowermama

    When to supplement with formula

    I tried to get a video but it wont let me.... it wont latch on the good nipple... it just kind of crawls away
  3. Thewildflowermama

    When to supplement with formula

    Hi!! Thank you for the replies.... we tried a tiny bit of formula but it really didnt want it.... theres one really big kitten that keeps taking the "good nipple" so I moved that one away so the little one could get on.... hopefully it worked.... I havent weighed them yet this morning because...
  4. Thewildflowermama

    When to supplement with formula

    My cat gave birth 3 days ago to 5 kittens. I have been weighing them 2 times a day and they are all gaining! One is gaining weight super slowly! They were born on June 28 - the one I'm talking about was 88g at birth and today was only 104g..... I have KMR kitten formula but I'm not sure if I...
  5. Thewildflowermama


    Update!!! Minnie had 5 kittens this morning!!!!! Super quick labour!!! Only 1.5 hours!!!
  6. Thewildflowermama


    I'll definitely post when she has them!!! Shes still eating a lot so I don't think it'll be within the next day... but I havent experienced kitten birth before!
  7. Thewildflowermama


    Oh 100%!!! Shes just so quick.... I have a 4 year who loves going outside in the backyard so I have to take the Queen (Minnie) and put her downstairs or in a room to make sure she cant get out!
  8. Thewildflowermama


    I really hope it's not another week!!! Lol!!! It's been so hard to keep her inside
  9. Thewildflowermama


    Yep... but she doesnt seem to like it... she prefers to he under a chair in our living room at the moment
  10. Thewildflowermama


    Hi!! So our Queen ended up mating on April 25 (possibly before but that's when we actually saw her) - this was a coronavirus surprise - she had an appointment to get fixed the second we in March and it was cancelled. Needless to say, we weren't expecting kittens!!! I believe shes on day 61...