Recent Content by TheDoriansultan

  1. TheDoriansultan

    Traveling with Outdoor Cat

    Thanks! I'm actually gonna be there for a few years at least, hence I've asked this question, otherwise I would obviously just leave him... I want to take him from Israel to Canada
  2. TheDoriansultan

    Traveling with Outdoor Cat

    He did go out slow and steady! Guess that's a good sign 🙏
  3. TheDoriansultan

    Traveling with Outdoor Cat

    I can't let him in unfortunately because I still live with my mom and she's allergic.. But he did come in a couple of times, looked around just for about 30 secs then went back out
  4. TheDoriansultan

    Traveling with Outdoor Cat

    I have an outdoor cat (neutered) that I've raised for 3 years in my backyard.. He's shy but friendly, comes every morning and evening for food, cuddles, playtime then goes about his day. I plan on studying and working abroad next year...will putting him in a plane for a 12 hour flight and then...