Recent Content by teali

  1. teali

    11 year old cat - chronic diarrhea

    We have tried gabapentin and pregablin, both of which haven't done much for him.
  2. teali

    11 year old cat - chronic diarrhea

    We haven't explored pain meds because he doesn't seem to be in pain per se, just discomfort right before pooping. The vet thinks the next step is to see a specialist for an intestinal tissue biopsy. I'm reluctant to take this step because he gets extremely stressed just going to the vet. We've...
  3. teali

    11 year old cat - chronic diarrhea

    Hi everyone, I feel like I have reached the end of the line with my 11 year old boy. He was completely healthy until around 6-7 and then his bowel issues started. He was on a mix of various wet foods and then seemingly overnight he started to get explosive diarrhea that smelled hideous and...
  4. teali

    Tips for defending house plants?

    I find that my cat loves to chew on plants with thin/grassy leaves. I had a bamboo plant which i tried to save by spraying lemon juice/cayenne but he tore through it anyway. Funny thing is he knows that he shouldn't be doing it and only goes at it when I'm out of the room, when I go in he stops...
  5. teali

    My cat is obsessed with going outside

    I take him out a few times a week when the weather is good/when I'm not busy. Usually we stay out for 20-30 minutes, he does want to stay out forever but I have things to do! As the time is so short I don't think fleas will be a problem  I do live in a suburban area so I keep him restricted to...
  6. teali

    My cat is obsessed with going outside

    I had the exact same problem with my 1.5yr old neutered male he was always trying to slip out the door. It started when he was around 7-8 months and he never forgot about it. I finally relented and got him a regular harness from the pet store but he was not having any of it I couldn't even get...
  7. teali

    Aggressive attacks in one area of the house

    Hi all! I have a neutered 1 year old indoor male cat (born to feral mom/found in a bin at 4 weeks). He is very affectionate however he has recently started leaping on and aggressively biting (not scratching) my legs.He doesn't bite hard enough to draw blood but it breaks skin and it hurts bad. ...