Recent Content by taylor1104

  1. taylor1104

    I Need A Playmate For My Furbaby But..

    Okay.. yeah, he's neutered for this exact reason. its been close to three months since he was neutered. its hard to separate them due to his constant screaming if we do.
  2. taylor1104

    I Need A Playmate For My Furbaby But..

    when we got my cat, we were fostering a year old momma. we thought shed do alight with him. boy were we wrong. she actually tried to eat him multiple times. after we found he a new home for her, we noticed our cat is very hostile toward other animals, except our dog. he tries to play with our...
  3. taylor1104

    Cat Is Losing His Mind!

    the lady we got him from lied and said he was eight weeks. i was so unbelievably mad when the vet said he was just barely 6 weeks. im starting to look into getting a younger cat, so he can have a pal. scared to et another animal, though. he doesnt do well with others. what should i do?
  4. taylor1104

    Spaying Didn't Help My Cat's Nighttime Meowing...suggestions?

    that sucks. our utility room is 4 by 5, so fairly small, and also has washer and dryer backed up against one wall. ive put a small bed against the wall, got some of his favorite toys, his litter box is already there, and another water fountain. ive let him go in a few times to check it out, but...
  5. taylor1104

    Cat Is Losing His Mind!

    :) yeah, thats what i meant by putting him in the utility room. i guess i just worded that wrong, haha! i have let him pick out about three toys that will only be available to him at night, and set up a bed and water bowl in there. im gonna try to put him in there tonight and let him out for a...
  6. taylor1104

    Counter Surfing Blues

    what my family does, since our cat is the same way, is put some spray on the counters. i cant quite remember whats in it, but i know it has lemon in it. look up a non-scratch spray that is homemade and make it. i know my mom uses deet free mosquito repellent and it helps BUNCHES.
  7. taylor1104

    Spaying Didn't Help My Cat's Nighttime Meowing...suggestions?

    my cat is the SAME way, except hes a boy. i posted a thread about it, maybe three hours ago. what people suggested me is to put him/her in a room farthest away from where you sleep, and put some treats, toys, basic necessities in and put the cat in there for the night. she may continue to scream...
  8. taylor1104

    Cat Is Losing His Mind!

  9. taylor1104

    Cat Is Losing His Mind!

    Thanks so much! we have cats nextdoor he may be able to smell. i can start trying to puthim in the utility room where is litter box is for a few weeks and see if that helps. our house is only 1000 sqft so i think hes just going a bit stir-crazy. we got him a new cat tree, and that seemed to...
  10. taylor1104

    Cat Is Losing His Mind!

    we bought a kitten off a lady about 3 months ago, and later on found out he was 6 weeks old. he is a very sweet cat and we've always been gentle with him. starting around a month ago, shortly after we got him fixed, he started to stand at our backdoor and scream. not even cry, but scream. we...