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  4. tamme

    Disguising a Litter Box. Need ideas.

    Absord the smell?? Probably not, but I would think the enclosure would prevent the smell from freely wafting into the air.
  5. tamme

    Disguising a Litter Box. Need ideas.

    mybabyphx, Unfortunately I haven't done anything yet except downgrade from four boxes to three and removed that ugly piece of carpet and replace it with some cheap pink plastic picnic table cover to protect the ugly blue carpet I'm guessing I'm going to have to wait for garage sale season to...
  6. tamme

    Disguising a Litter Box. Need ideas.

    OMG Momofmany!!!!! That is the neatest!!!! Did you make that yourself???
  7. tamme

    Disguising a Litter Box. Need ideas.

    Thanks Guys!! You're ideas are all so helpful.. The diagrams really make it real. I think because the cats mostly use just one or two of the litter boxes - that I'll downgrade to three boxes instead of four and then I'll have more available to me to fit over them. {Lazy bums use the one...
  8. tamme

    Disguising a Litter Box. Need ideas.

    ya something like that or something with one hole on the side and the whole box could be lifted and removed then replaced. Or something stationary - I like that idea too. Maybe something with a removable front...the top would be a whole piece with no holes in it. Then I could store more...
  9. tamme

    What's Everyone Doing Today?

    I'm watching Nascar
  10. tamme

    Disguising a Litter Box. Need ideas.

    What about covering them up? I like those lids that regular kitty litter boxes have but won't fit these. Perhaps a 'roof'? Maybe a giant wooden box covering all four
  11. tamme

    Disguising a Litter Box. Need ideas.

    Ok, I have four cats and four tupperware tubs for kitty litters They are in my computer room because my spare bedroom is basically used for guests although we don't have many guests stay over This is my spare bedroom. Notice the kitty in the top left hand corner. Do you guys have any...
  12. tamme


    Watching NASCAR!!! Computers are so lame sometimes.
  13. tamme

    Ok Please Help With Signature Size.

    ok thanks guys. I don't know why photobucket would keep it so big! I guess I'll just have to link it directly. Thanks for your help!
  14. tamme

    Ok Please Help With Signature Size.

    Thanks rapunzel47 and icklemiss21 !! Just post it? not link it?? Okay but I hope it doesn't take up a lot of your bandwidth...
  15. tamme

    Ok Please Help With Signature Size.

    I have re-sized this thing over and over and this one is supposed to be 1" wide x .25" high. It doesn't make any sense. I'm linking it from photobucket but it won't stay the size I tell it to. I created it with Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006 Editor. Any ideas???