Recent Content by tajicat

  1. tajicat


    I Have 2 cats a 2 1/2 year old bengal..and a 3 year old aby.. My cat's will never be outside Sooo I refuse to get rabies..ever..!! as I believe I will get rabies before them hear to many bad side effects I just in past year lost my 23 year old siamese only had 2 shots in his entire life..never...
  2. tajicat

    My Bengal cat driving my aby crazy! help

    I got the aby when He was 1 1/2 years old..and Simby my Bengal was 1 year old...The aby is sooo odd..He feels threat of some kind Simby the bengal Puts up his paw like a high sign not hissing or anything and the aby runs away...even if he is up on my bed All he does is look and look to see...
  3. tajicat

    My Bengal cat driving my aby crazy! help

    It is a mess...and kinda sad tooo I Play more then most with the bengal..but there is just no end as I am not a cat...he is getting more of a lap cat and demands me to play and rub him if I don't he get's into more trouble.. He just want's a cat ect..but he is tooo pushy and the more he...
  4. tajicat

    My Bengal cat driving my aby crazy! help

    This might sound strange But I have a 1 1/2 year old Bengal Brat and a 2 year old aby..I got the aby after the Bengal as I lost my 21 year old Siamese and thought it would make a nice play mate.. The bengal has a wonderful disposition..the Aby since I got him Is So intimated by the bengal...
  5. tajicat

    Photos of my New Aby and Bengal And Siamese

    thanks so much and your babies are beautiful as well I just love kitty kats... check out my site I added some fun photos..ect... great holidays Sherry
  6. tajicat

    Photos of my New Aby and Bengal And Siamese

    I am sorry took so long to respond to you been in a mess..lately thanks so much and the best to you and your beautiful fur babies! new photos and some cute stuff! best, Sherry
  7. tajicat

    Photos of my New Aby and Bengal And Siamese

    I got him from a breeder betty bridges in n.jersey he is really pretty but he is getting sooooo fat I have not a clue have him on lite dry can and chicken cooked My bengal Simby is not heavy and My 18 year old Siamese has to eat so I am not to sure how to keep Garci the aby away from food He...
  8. tajicat

    My New Aby...

    Hi folks ..saying hello..after six months of re training my aby who I got at 16 months old was scared to wits..of everything..and My Bengal Brat Simby who is 3 months younger only wants to play and play I am sooo happy for the first time Garci my cute little aby let him near him to sleep But...
  9. tajicat

    Litter issue Crazy!

    I am soooo maaad! My Bengal thinks he's the DAWG! He is infatuated with the new cat He checks out anything that garci the aby does..the more I make a stink the more he does it so I just stopped Whats funny When Garcie the new kitty sees him in the one box he runs after him a little an...
  10. tajicat

    Kitten a terror to 14 year old adult

    Hello, I just got a 1 1/2 year old aby...and I have a 1 1/2 year old bengal brat plus a 18 year old siamese.. I have the reverse problem the bengal is running like a nut to play and never quits and the aby carries on...even after keeping them apart for a week.. It is taking more time then I...
  11. tajicat

    Fake spraying?

    My new one does this as well...It makes me nervous as I had a cat that started to spray terrible over a resident cat.. You will know...I just think if he is neutered he won't if he has not yet.. Best, Sherry Tajicat's Cat Photos
  12. tajicat

    At My Wit's End

    Have you changed the litter in any way like brand ect. I did that once and had a terrible time ...SOme cats don't care others really are affected by this..if you did.. Doing anything yelling or anything to them will just cause anxiety I tried drugs..but all it does it make them very dopy...
  13. tajicat

    3 Cats - Not a typical introduction - PLEASE HELP!!!!!

    Hello, I have a 1 1/2 yr bengal and siamese now just a month or so ago I got an 1 1/2 year old abyssinian from a breeder.. The siamese is 18 He could care less...the new cat still hides and it's over a month I also sep..them for a while and them let him out..The bengal being a from wild...
  14. tajicat

    Hi All I would like to introuduce my Furbabies

    Much appreciated If only my little aby would come around Simby the bengal only wants soooo much to play with him..But Garci wants no part of him Yet He is SOOOO ANTI SOCIAL! Best, Sherry
  15. tajicat

    Hi All I would like to introuduce my Furbabies

    Simby, Is a 1 1/2 year old bratty Bengal Taji is my 18 year old Siamese Garcie is only here a month and he is 1/1/2 years old However, So far he like humans much better then cats sort of anti social hope his will soon change or my Simby will go crazy waiting to play with Garcie...