Recent Content by SweetLilly123

  1. S

    Leaving Cat Home Alone While On Vaca

    I am hoping this happens lol I actually brought her a new scratching pad and a few toys so she can play with them if she gets bored. She's all of a sudden had so much energy tonight, playfully attacking my feet every chance she gets lol
  2. S

    Leaving Cat Home Alone While On Vaca

    The building door is always open its my actual apartment which needs a code. Unfortunately I do not have an ipad or anything to take a look at her while I am away but I will make sure she has food water and nothing to get into that could potentially hurt her.
  3. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    Now that I think back on it it still does not make complete sense to me. The first night she hissed at me I get it completely. But going into the next day I was literally doing nothing. First time I was washing my hands and when I went to leave the bathroom she did it. Cornered me again - same...
  4. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    This was the best advice! I noticed when I saw her about to get aggressive and I confidentially walked by she did not hiss or growl. She has not done this since I made this post actually. I feel so bad. I never took into consideration how hard it would be to find comfort in our new home...
  5. S

    Leaving Cat Home Alone While On Vaca

    I am not sure I have never played music for her. I have three battery operated lights I plan to leave around the apartment for her. She really seems to just like to be alone for most of the day. In between naps she will find me to pet her for about 5 minutes and go on her way. Guess I am just...
  6. S

    Leaving Cat Home Alone While On Vaca

    Unfortunately we moved 3 hours away from everyone and I do not know my neighbors yet. My door doesnt have a key, it has a code you put in and once they know the code to enter my apartment they can always enter my apartment. There is not much she can get into. All she literally does is sleep in...
  7. S

    Leaving Cat Home Alone While On Vaca

    Hello All! :) I started another thread on here about my cat hissing and growling about 9 days after moving into our new apartment. This happened maybe at midnight two days ago and she still continued to do it into the next day. Today however she has been her normal self but I can still see the...
  8. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    I have been much more confident today. No hissing and growling thank goodness although I still do get a little nervous around her. Especially going into the bathroom as this is where she cornered me when she first started the aggressiveness two nights ago. I can see by the way she moves she is...
  9. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    Her name isn’t Lilly lol its actually Dutchess. I purchased her off Craigslist when she was just 5 months old.
  10. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    Unfortunately I don't. Our family and friends live hours away. Its a very quiet neighborhood with no loud noises. I was hoping she could take this time to get to know the apartment alone and see that it actually is a safe place. I got her a feliway plug in so hopefully this helps. I have left...
  11. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    Thank you! This is very good advice
  12. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    I think what I’ll do here is be more confident around her and basically ignore her hissed and growls. Of course I’ll give her space but I’ll just act as if she’s not there doing this. It’s just hard something because for example this morning she was in the window and I needed my shoe which was...
  13. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    Okay something JUST happened. She is out in the kitchen which has become her new routine. She loves to lay on the kitchen floor at night. I had to go in there to put my cup in the sink. I walked past her spread out body with confidence. But when I was at the sink she actually ran into the living...
  14. S

    Cat Hissing & Growling At Me, I Can't Live Like This

    I honestly do not know what kind of insect it was. It was very small though. I think it had wings but if she was bitten why is she hissing and growling at me randomly. Sometimes shes super sweet and comes and rubs her head against me and out of no where the hissing and staring at me begins.