Recent Content by surfsnowgirl

  1. surfsnowgirl

    My maine coon is in the final stages of kidney failure and I'm sick over this

    Will do.  She's been on fluids since yesterday and while her heart is back up, her blood pressure is still low as is her body temperature. She's not getting up to use the box and is peeing on herself.  They can't bath her because of her body temperature.  As it is she hasn't eaten since last...
  2. surfsnowgirl

    My maine coon is in the final stages of kidney failure and I'm sick over this

    Kobie has been on antinausea and appetite stimulants since yesterday and the last time she ate was last night.   The staff is loving her up and she's getting lots of brushes and pets and has been cooing.  Other blood panel has been sent out and we'll have results by morning.  If she had just...
  3. surfsnowgirl

    My maine coon is in the final stages of kidney failure and I'm sick over this

    Thank you.  I call her my pretty lady. Doc just called, still can't get her to eat since last night.  She's such a love though and is digging all the brushing and is cooing quite a bit. Her heart rate is back up but her blood pressure is low which could be indicative of a heart problem. Doc is...
  4. surfsnowgirl

    My maine coon is in the final stages of kidney failure and I'm sick over this

    Thanks.  Vet also thinks she's got possible cancer as one kidney is way huger than the other.  She also has potential heart disease.  She won't get up and use the box and has been just peeing while laying there. They can't bath her because she can't regulate her body temperature.   It's just...
  5. 2012-05-04 18.45.01.jpg

    2012-05-04 18.45.01.jpg

  6. surfsnowgirl

    My maine coon is in the final stages of kidney failure and I'm sick over this

    I have a 13 year old maine coon who pretty much out of nowwhere was acting lethargic, drinking too much water, not eating much. This was on Sunday. I watched her like a hawk but by monday already had an appointment for her on Tuesday. Diagnosis is acute kidney failure.She's getting fluids at the...