Recent Content by stitchiesmom

  1. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Oh my gosh!!! Yay!! So happy for you and him! He is a doll! It will be a long few days but the weekend will be here soon! Im still here if you need me. My guy is still recovering too. :)
  2. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Of course!! I'm not an angel. Just someone who knows what you are going through and can hopefully ease a little pain or discomfort in the "not knowing" of things. Honestly, I think all of us who do this for our babies are good people. Many people would just give up on them. They are not just...
  3. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Oh.. I'm so sorry. It is awful having to go to work while worrying about the boy at home. The best thing for his recovery is peace and quiet, inactivity and not being able to get to the site. He should do fine on his own although you will still worry about him. That's just love. :) hang in there.
  4. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Yes, Stitch had a lot of sludge. He also had FLUTD. I'm not sure if you read my other posts but I express his bladder on a daily basis. He can't pee on his own. He was it by a car and has neurological damage so the nerves that innervate the bladder, don't work. His utethra was inflamed and the...
  5. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    How long are they estimating he will need to stay? I completely understand about feeling like you've left him alone. I visited Stitch twice a day (but I live close). It is scary. The surgery and recovery. You just have to hang in there and take it one day at a time. He is young and healthy. He...
  6. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Hi there! My boy is 6 days out from his p.u. surgery, one week tomorrow. He had a little pus at urethra site but is on clavamox and it has cleared up. I took him in today and vet said site looks good. Stitches come out 8/3 so several more days of a boring room with a cone but it will all be...
  7. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    My cat had his p.u. surgery last Tuesday. He has developed pus drainage at the urethra site. Any one else have that happen?
  8. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    So my boy had his p.u. surgery at 5pm today. The doctor said it went well and she was able to express a good stream through the new urethra. He can't pee on his own so his story is a little different than most. I hope he does well overnight and I will update after I see him in the am. I hope he...
  9. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Well while at the vet and since he has been home, he has barely eaten any thing. He normally devours wet food and has been turning his nose up at it. We have had them on a high qualitt grain free dry food and I was going to start adding in the Royal Canine urinary health rx diet food to graze on...
  10. S

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    I am so happy to have found this.... I have a bit of a different issue, yet the same. My cat is Stitch. Before we adopted him, he was hit by a car and had to have his back left leg amputated. This left him with some neurological issues. We didn't know it at the time but he was unable to pee on...