Recent Content by sr clare julian

  1. S

    Unhealed skin lesion on older cat

    P.S I beg to differ with you re alternative medicine. As many others would. If I ever get cancer, I will not opt for toxic chemo, but B17 +vitamin C therapy. That is my choice for my body. Western-drug-based medicine is only one approach to healing. There are others. It is our free choice. As...
  2. S

    Unhealed skin lesion on older cat

    Good morning, and thank you. I think it is simply a cut. No odd shapes etc. I know that feline leukaemia does not " usually" vanish; but "more things are wrought by prayer than this world knows of." She had passed that point of no-return, and I have held enough dying cats to know that, as I...
  3. S

    Unhealed skin lesion on older cat

    Not sure; but if so she would surely have been ill? And she is not. What a great lot of caring "detectives" here! THANK YOU and all blessings! BTW I was reading some of the threads this morning. Someone was asking about cats eating plastic, and I saw the backside of my pure Siamese. Something...
  4. S

    Unhealed skin lesion on older cat

    I bathed it with calendula "tea"; when this first showed up I thought then that she had snagged it climbing thorn trees - a favourite summer occupation. I think that this is what has happened, and for some reason the cut just has not healed. The top layer of skin is split, but the next layer is...
  5. S

    Unhealed skin lesion on older cat

    The centre of the lesion is like a hole, which discharges. It has not grown or changed at all. That was why I wondered about a ?? tic?? And what to do about it. It is of course worrying me far more than it is worrying her!
  6. S

    Unhealed skin lesion on older cat

    Hissy; thank you. I am trying to understand what has caused this as it does not "fit" with any of the patterms of skin disease I can find. That is why I am wary of a vet who is only used to farm animals. I had a cat badly misdiagnosed in similar circumstances and he died. My own first thought...
  7. S

    Unhealed skin lesion on older cat

    I would be very grateful for advice. Because of bad experiences with vets in the past, causing fatalities, and because I live in a rural area where cats are not valued, also as I am financially poor, ia m very reluctant to involve again. Chiquita is a mid-teens Siamese-cross cat, who was healed...