Recent Content by snicherpoo21

  1. S

    11 day old kittens with crusty eyes

    Ok thank you I will be moving them to the living room and will be keeping their eyes clean until I can't get them to the vet.
  2. S

    11 day old kittens with crusty eyes

    Just checked on them. Out of the three of them that have this only two have crusty eyes this morning. I noticed last nite that their eyes are not fully opened could this have anything to do with them crusting over. How long does it normally take for their eyes to open fully? Also, would it be...
  3. S

    11 day old kittens with crusty eyes

    I have 6 kittens that are 11 days old.The day after their eyes started to open I noticed one had a little bit of crusty stuff on one eye ,now three of them have crusty stuff one one or both eyes and it's only been three days since I noticed this. I have used warm water and cotton balls to clean...