Recent Content by SnazzyJazzy

  1. SnazzyJazzy

    How do I know if theyre ready to go?

    I know this is an incredibly dark title and stuff, so I sincerely hope that I'm not upsetting anybody. So, a long while back I made a post discussing my cat's health. Nothing really came of it, my mom was firm on just making sure chipsy is comfortable instead of "throwing cash out the window"...
  2. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Alright uh, I know I'm like super late to update but it wasn't exactly a big conclusion that was made last monday. The vet looked at her ear again and said it looks better, which it does, the swelling had gone down but it's recently gotten worse again? She also didn't do anything about the...
  3. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Awe, thank you so much! And yeah, I definitely will. The vet hasn't addressed the lung worms yet, as she only suspects them and isn't sure if it really is that or if it's something to do with the carcinoma :') Chipsy isn't taking the antibiotics well though, she despises them so badly hahhh...
  4. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Alrighty! It's been a while, but I'm back with some big updates this time. We took Chipsy to the local vet today, not the one that amputated her ears. They immediately scheduled a surgery which we unfortunately couldn't do because of a sudden funeral that needed to be handled and such. My mom...
  5. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Yeah, I really really hope that it didn't spread to the lungs. We have a vet that's more local, nearer to home instead of that one which is like 30-40 minutes away. I'm gonna make an appointment there today for next week to get her an x-ray. Unfortunately it's been quite a while since she's...
  6. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Hi again! I'm glad to hear that your cats all turned out fine first of all ♡ I'll try to look up if there's any way of getting that financial help. The vet said that we'd have to bring her in soon for another x-ray, because he said that it might have spread to the lungs, and if that's the...
  7. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Welp, the vet just called! They're gonna need To chop off both of her ears. And not just the "tips" but the entire thing. Earless cat anyone? Not sure if mom will do it, since it's a 700€ procedure, as the vet said. He told me that mom should talk to the shelter lady about cost coverage since...
  8. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Okayyyy it's time for the update we've been waiting for. Yesterday was quite eventful. Quite a few things happened BUT I convinced mom to bring me to the vet. I called them yesterday and then me and my dad went to do a checkup for chipsy. The checkup wasn't done for free but it was...
  9. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    And again, thank you all so so much for your advice, it's been a really really big help!! ♡
  10. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Short update: my mom is currently reaching out to her friend from the shelter, but has received no reply as of now. It seems that chipsy scratched the scab off overnight, since the big thing is gone. But it's rescabbed already; I'll be observing it closely like I have before. I'm hoping that it...
  11. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Thank you! She's lovely personality wise as well. I figured that that could've done some harm, we did go to a vet once because she had digestive problems (mild, she gets special kibble now) and they saw nothing wrong, though they probably only examined her stomach or whatever. She's a full...
  12. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Thank you guys for your replies, I really appreciate your help!! Yes, my mom doesn't want to take her because of financial reasons right now. I've offered to take her as well or at least call a vet about advice, but she said she doesn't have the time for that. Thankfully she knows someone...
  13. SnazzyJazzy

    Scabbing that doesn't go away?

    Hi! This is my first time being on a site like this but I've been concerned for a while now. So, we recently (around the beginning of December 2022) adopted a cat from the shelter. She was picked up as a stray (very likely abandoned by someone) and spayed. The tips of both of her ears were...