Recent Content by sillylilykitty

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    NEED HELP! Just moved in, my cat and resident cat not getting along

    An update for you guys. My other sister moved back home and added a 3rd cat to the mix. This seemed to get Star to appreciate Lily a little more. That was in March. Last week we brought home a puppy because we were ready for one and the cats didnt look like they would be getting much better...
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    NEED HELP! Just moved in, my cat and resident cat not getting along

    I will definatly be thinking about getting some of that. And I have to be careful about shipping costs, one of the downfalls of living in Hawaii.
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    NEED HELP! Just moved in, my cat and resident cat not getting along

    Hmm, Feliway, if only I could get that where I live without going online. I could look at the pet supply store but I doubt they have it. Maybe my sister in Colorado could get me some.
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    NEED HELP! Just moved in, my cat and resident cat not getting along

    Wow its been so long since I checked this thread I didnt even see your post Skimble! They got in a fight just now because my dad let Star out of the cage while Lily was out Im about to give up so I came to check this thread, Im glad I did because Im going to try out your screen idea. $20 is...
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    I want to be a cat trainer or behaviorist

    Im leaning more toward a dog trainer now. But here is a site someone showed me: And here is a working with cats site: Good luck with becoming a cat trainer, let me know anything you find out
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    Game: Movie Titles

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
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    Does your cat talk to you?

    Lily talks to me but shes a Siamese so it's expected But she is pretty quiet for a Siamese!
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    Game - Last two letters

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    Do your cats fight or get along?

    At the moment, Lily and Star are okay with each other. We still dont let them wander about the house together but they havent attacked each other in a month or so now. I think in another month they will be able to be out together. Right now one of them always has to be in the "cage" or in a...
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    Taste of the Wild--amount fed compared to old food

    I just moved from Denver to an area with a much smaller selection. So I had to switch from Innova Evo (grain free) to Chicken Soup (which is still good but not as good). Lily ate 1/4 cup daily on Innova compared to 1/2 cup on Chicken Soup. I think there usually is a difference in the amount of...