Recent Content by SharkTT

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    Cat walks along and poos

    Hello fionasmom, Thank You for the link, that was very informative. The three main shelters near me have 243 cats between them from various sources. Having been through getting another street cat healthy that was in a better condition than this one, then realistically, no I can't afford to get...
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    Wet kitten food for sensitive stomachs

    Hello Becca, I am assuming the food you described is Hills Prescription Diet I/D. It is fine to feed your kitten this on a regular basis. 2 of my cats were on prescription food (1 for a sensitive stomach) for a long time, and then both went off it within weeks of each other. Your vet is the best...
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    Cat walks along and poos

    Hello Margot, He stood there while I tried to clean him with some dampened wipes, but it is so matted that it didn't do much. He really needs to be soaked in water, but we know how much cats like water. At this point we are probably going to catch him and take him to the local county shelter. I...
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    How to bring skittish stray inside

    Hello OliverNcompany, My first street cat wouldn't come inside, and I would spend hours with her outside every night. However, the mosquitoes were getting the better of me so I had to get her inside. I did so by putting the food inside and leaving the door open. The food gradually moved further...
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    Semi feral cat adoption... help!

    Hello Evil Orange Crayon. Congratulations on your adoption. They are gorgeous. Building up the trust of your cats can take a long time. It won't take long though for them to realize who provides the food, and a few treats in your hand will go a long way. Let them come to you rather than you...
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    Cat walks along and poos

    Hello All, I have 5 community kittens living near me in South Florida. They are all very friendly but one of them is clearly not well. His rear end is covered in poo that has dried and matted into his fur. He clearly has respiratory issues but my post here is to ask if anybody knows what is...