
I'm a mummy of four. 2 hoomans 8yo & 2yo and 2 furbabies, Tessa, a collie/ springer cross and my recent inheritted 8yo cat Shadow.

I grew up surrounded by farms and always had pets etc so I love all animals.

I did foster older and sickly cats before my children. It wasn't easy knowing these cats had only days/ weeks to live. Occasionally they lasted a few months but never years. These poor cats were simply given away by their families for needing extra care and assistance, in their final days. As heartbreaking as it was to lose each one, I got great satisfaction knowing their last days were comfortable and filled with love.

Unfortunately this ended when my daughter came along. Having old/ sick cats that cannot control their bladder around a boisterous child isn't easy/ cheap, nor fair on the cat. When my last fursterchild passed, I decided to take a break. Was just about to return when my son came along. I will go back to this one day but for now, I'm just trying to take care of my wonderful family furry and furfree alike.
Scotland, UK