Recent Content by Senecajh

  1. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    Hello all! Babies are doing awesome and they are still MASSIVE. I do have a question about weighing: how long do I weigh them daily? Normally I would weigh them daily until four or five weeks when they start to eat on their own, but these kittens are so enormous they’re already outgrowing my...
  2. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    Honestly, I know there no such thing as too big but these weights are freaking me out a little! (kitten name: weight at birth, 4/12, 4/13) Gorgonzola: 128, 146.5, 153.5 Stilton: 116.5, 131.5, 143.5 Gouda: 118.5, 134.5, 152.5 Brie: 116.5, 145, 158.5 Bleu: 114.5, 126, 142 like, it doesn’t seem...
  3. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    The cat tent!!! Very happy about that
  4. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    Cowey has had five kittens so far! There are possibly more in there, but babies and mom are doing awesome. Starting weights: 1: 128g (!!) 2: 116.5g 3: 118.5g 4: 116.5g 5: 114.5g I hope she stops here! I’d love to have a 114.5g “runt”!
  5. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    The shelter gave her an ultrasound on Friday, guess who has 6-8 little gremlins in there! No wonder she’s huge. They said sometime this week.
  6. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    Don’t get my hopes up sarthur I’ve been on standby for almost 10 days 🙄 (I respect Cowey’s decision to take her time but jeezum crow my dude, she’s huge)
  7. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    ALSO just to make things more interesting, I just found this about a foot from her litter box. I have no clue what it is. Best guess: her water broke and dissolved the clay litter from the box? Very confused, and it’s totally dry now.
  8. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    Wow she really did NOT want me to take this picture, apologies that it’s bad quality, she meowed and scooted away every time I tried
  9. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    No, it was just a little this afternoon. Kittens are still moving, no contractions.
  10. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    So she’s been lactating for about a week give or take, she’s MASSIVE and I noticed two kinds of discharge today. One is red/black and in chunks and the other is clear and thin. For heavens sake, when is she gonna pop out these babies?!?
  11. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    Haha yes! That sounds excellent. My girlie has been looking ready to pop all week. She’s started nesting in earnest and has gotten vocal the last two days but still nothing! Here’s a blurry photo of Cowey asking to leave my room with her belly on full display. I hope she doesn’t have a...
  12. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    This cat is playing an elaborate prank on me. In the last two days she’s gotten huge and started to bat at us if we touch her belly, but no kittens yet. Every day I think “todays the day, no way she has another day in her” and every day I’m wrong. I’m being punk’d
  13. Senecajh

    Pregnant Foster Cat— when will she have her kittens?

    I know she’ll do this in her own time, but the suspense is killing me! She’s kind of nesting sometimes, and her breathing is occasionally fast but otherwise she’s just chilling on my bed or in the cat tree.