Recent Content by samsondad

  1. Never a dull moment

    Never a dull moment

  2. S

    Never a dull moment

    Working on my bike this morning, at least I have plenty of help! Maybe he just wants to go for a ride??
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  4. Post your sleeping beauties!!!

    Post your sleeping beauties!!!

  5. S

    Post your sleeping beauties!!!

    Here's Eclipse and Blue training for the newest Olympic sport.......synchronized sleeping!!128526
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  7. Show me your eyes

    Show me your eyes

  8. S

    Show me your eyes

    Here's Eclipse, soaking up the warmth from the pad. He likes to hang out on my desk
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  10. S

    Post pictures of your precious Blue / Gray / Maltese cats here!

    His name is blue, I posted his picture earlier. He is about five months old and came to us at about a month old. My wife and I both work at a hospital that had a stray show up at work.Soon some employees began to feed her and she stuck around,and soon became named "Miley". All went well as Miley...
  11. S

    Post pictures of your precious Blue / Gray / Maltese cats here!

    Here's what happens on on cold rainy Sundays when we can sleep in
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