Recent Content by Salamino Mom

  1. S

    New Cats in the Town Yo

    OMG! Thank you so much! It looks just like him 🥰
  2. S

    Anxiety about neutering Beau…

    Just in case you are super worried like me, maybe you can leave your cat in the vet clinic for a day or two after surgery as we did, although it is not really necessary because it is a simple surgery for male cat. My main concern was to restrict his movement in case the wound had not yet healed...
  3. S

    Show your Helper in the Kitchen

    Daisy is making sure you have good breakfast as hers!
  4. S

    Show your Helper in the Kitchen

    Wow! Cat tree in the kitchen! They must enjoy well position in supervising what's going on there.
  5. S

    Show your Helper in the Kitchen

    I would like to see your four legs helper in the kitchen when you are preparing meals :wave3: Starting from Salamino supervising how daddy was following mom's instruction: Errrrrrrrrr...I am not really a rabbit mom...
  6. S

    New Cats in the Town Yo

    Ohhhh all the little faces 🤗
  7. S

    Pictures at the vet’s office

    The vet clinic we went doesn't have much artworks, they are pretty straight forward and functional. But I have to show Salamino here, look how he held his tail 🤣 poor one he just went for a check on one of his paws
  8. S

    Cat carrier that your cat likes to sleep in?

    We have the one used for my cat when he was on his first international flight. After he settled in the new house, we just left it in his room and open, so it becomes his one of the many napping spots.
  9. S

    Salamino says hi

    Thank you for all the warm welcome. We are so happy to be here! -- Salamino
  10. S

    Salamino says hi

    Hello to all, we are new here to TAS but have enjoyed a lot learning from the site. Here is my boy Salamino who will be reaching 2 years soon in this month. Yes I know it is funny to name our furrbaby of food 🤣 but we love our "little sausage" so much and always looking for the best possible for...