Recent Content by Safety Cat

  1. S

    Been One Week, New Cat Still Hiding/can't Touch

    I would get a Feliway (Comfort Zone Brand Cheapest) diffuser ASAP to help calm him. The phermones mimic a cat nursing its mom. It calms them. Looks like a Glade Plug In. Ebay is reasonable.
  2. S

    Urinating On The Carpet!

    I had the opportunity to have 2 cats with urinary issues that never showed up diagnostically & they acted "normal" besides the peeing. In my case, WET FOOD ONLY & add 1-2 tbl of water to the food & never ever feed even 1 kibble of dry food or treats. I also put them both on Cosequin which helps...
  3. S

    Climbing Window Screens

    I am sharing this idea every where I can. Please share as well to protect more cats! Most methods out there are not safe enough for my "cannon baller" cat. You see, he flew out my 3rd floor apt & luckily he cried & I found him ASAP & had not left the house for work. He just lost his canine at a...