Recent Content by Sabrinadanee

  1. S


    Hello I know this was from a while ago, I recently slowy switched my kitty foods and she’s now eating the fancy feast kitten wet food also and she had the same grey poop tonight as the pic you posted. Did your cat become okay and did you continue giving the fancy feast food
  2. S


    What about her walking a little funny? Is it cuz of the stitches?
  3. S


    Oh okay thank you! I was concerned about the little bit of yellow I saw
  4. S


    One picture is with the flash on, one is without
  5. S


    Hello, my kitten almost 3 months, got spayed Wednesday 6/22. Does her incision look okay? Wasn’t sure about the yellow stuff
  6. S


    I just got my 9 week kitten a week ago and she started scooting after she poops. I thought it was because I used a wipe on her and she didn’t like the feeling. However this morning when she woke up she scooted (hadn’t gone poop) and I noticed her bum was red and swollen. I thought maybe worms...
  7. S

    Maine Coon or domestic long hair?

    Thank you! She has big ears so that’s why I thought. Her name is either Zula “Zuzu” for short or Jade we just got her today we trying to decide!
  8. S

    Maine Coon or domestic long hair?

    I just adopted a kitten, she came from a litter with 9 other siblings (none od who look the same ex: tuxedo, short hair) I was wondering if anyone knew I’d she looked more like a domestic long/ medium hair or more Maine Coon?