Recent Content by S.Smith

  1. S.Smith

    Kitty Dandruff

    I hope your kitty is ok and thanks for the advice. The salmon oil seems to be helping but I’m taking him into the vet Wednesday just to be sure.
  2. S.Smith

    Kitty Dandruff

    Also thank you all for the advice and replies.
  3. S.Smith

    Kitty Dandruff

    Update: I did get the salmon oil but I’m going to brush him and look over him really well this morning .. maybe call the vet if he’s still really flaky?
  4. S.Smith

    Kitty Dandruff

    Thanks for the advice and yes he’s kinda overweight so grooming isn’t his specialty. I try to brush him a lot but it seems to make him greasier?
  5. S.Smith

    Kitty Dandruff

    Oh that is interesting. I had switched his food but now he’s back on his normal food, and I hadn’t noticed it before.
  6. S.Smith

    Kitty Dandruff

    Update: I have gotten the oil additive Yes he’s neutered and yes just on his lower back. It is winter and very dry here too.
  7. S.Smith

    Kitty Dandruff

    Hi all, My kitty has bunny like fur. Sometimes it’s greasy but I’ve noticed he’s got flakes now when I brush him? Any advice would be appreciated. I’m thinking about getting salmon oil to add to his food?
  8. S.Smith

    What Breeds Do My Kitties Look Like?

    That’s a good question, I’m not sure? They’re my moms cats, and brothers. Tiger (with more white in his coat) has always been much fluffier than his brother but Bode does kinda have a mane also? Anyway, yours seem young so maybe they’ll turn out to be gigantic fluff balls like these :) I figured...
  9. S.Smith

    13 Years Old Cat

    Milo Used to chill like this with me and now he’s just too cool kitty so I think the fact she’s secure enough to sleep with you was awesome. It will work itself out :)
  10. S.Smith

    What Breeds Do My Kitties Look Like?

    Idk how to work this and I do apologize: kitty in my pic has a bro and when they were young - I called the one like yours — lil Fox ... sharp lil face with a sleek but tall body? — Fluuuuuuffy tail on yours is kinda why I’m asking.. the pic I hope to have added at the point in the thread -...
  11. S.Smith

    Christmas Trees

    Oh yes! When I started the Christmas tree venture this year I Haha I almost gave up on the tree all together this year (even thought of putting it on the ceiling) but somehow the tree skirt made the tree very unappealing so ta da! That fact is really funny to me though because he still messes...
  12. S.Smith

    13 Years Old Cat

    Milo eats everything! I no longer own elastic hair ties.. and visitors can’t bring them in either.. will this help him if he’s managed to eat something that may otherwise sit in his stomach??
  13. S.Smith

    Christmas Trees

    Beautiful decorations .. brave brave souls! We did wooden ornaments and the tree lasted long enough for me to add them so I was very pleased by this progress :) I think the smaller size, table and tree skirt helped? We had a big white tree last year and had to take it down after A matter where...
  14. S.Smith

    Christmas Feast :)

    Oh! Oops no more gogurt for Milo! I should learn to eat adult food anyway. Thanks. I know it doesn’t have seeds or anything but the sugar I didn’t manage to consider somehow