Recent Content by rupie's mom

  1. R

    Please help my itchy kitty!

    Sadly, the problem with Rupert is not getting pill in his mouth, the problem is that he DROOLS until the pill dribbles out. It's amazing to witness, honestly. I should film it and post the video... He's seeing the dermatologist on Monday. I'm hoping they'll compound SOMETHING into a paste...
  2. R

    Please help my itchy kitty!

    Thanks everyone! I've tried a bunch of different things, and Rupie keeps figuring out a way around ALL of them. I ended up bathing him last night because he was just a mess from all of the chewing and licking. He seemed to be okay, but then went under the bed and hasn't come out. I had to...
  3. R

    Please help my itchy kitty!

    Hey Everyone! Thanks again for all of the tips! I did get in touch with Rupie's vets, and they told me I can give him Benedryl until he's able to see the dermatologist. He is allowed to have 12.5 mg, 2-3x/day. I got liquid because of the whole pilling issue. He drooled it out, and then made...
  4. R

    Please help my itchy kitty!

    I hadn't thought about the air fresheners. Unfortunately, I just moved into my house, and the prior owners' pets peed EVERYWHERE. We didn't know about it until after I moved in (of course), so the carpet had to be treated repeatedly. I used the air fresheners to help with the terrible odor...
  5. R

    Please help my itchy kitty!

    I've tried the Greenies pill pockets. He won't touch them. I haven't tried to pill him with one, though. I'll give that a shot. Thank you for the tip!
  6. R

    Please help my itchy kitty!

    Rupert is a 9 year-old DSH with terrible allergies. We've ruled out fleas, mites, fungus, mange, and food. It's likely a pollen or something else airborne. Up until last year, he'd get a cortisone shot a couple of times a year, and would be fine. But, his last injection put him into heart...