Recent Content by runnersmist

  1. R

    ER visit results in HCM diagnosis

    Well, George ate again. Twice! More wet food and some Dental Diet that I keep out. He also urinated. He did the lick lick good stuff grooming and now is curled up at my feet. I guess I need to clarify. If George starts to go down hill again, then I will put him to sleep. Unfortunately...
  2. R

    ER visit results in HCM diagnosis

    I went to bed at 5 am, only to be woken up by my father at 6:15 am. Well, when I got up, George had scarfed down his food and my other cat's food (dry). But around 7 am, as usual, I gave some wet food and George went town. His and what was left of my other cat's food. He ate like a champ...
  3. R

    ER visit results in HCM diagnosis

    Thanks so much for your reply! Let's see if I can make this reply make sense. Since Saturday, I've been working on about 2-4 hours sleep. I'm afraid I'll wake up and find George dead, so I just wander around the house. So, here it is a little after 3:15 am..............I'm doing this...
  4. R

    ER visit results in HCM diagnosis

    Hi, In the back of my head, I'm hoping that George makes the decision for me. As I'm writing this, he's looking very dull eyed and distant. Keeps going behind the chair. Just unhappy. George hasn't been the healthiest cat but he sure does bring a smile to my face on my travels. He's just...
  5. R

    ER visit results in HCM diagnosis

    Hi, Thanks for the vibes. The ER vet didn't do bloodwork and I'm thinking of having it done at my vet. As for the echocardiogram, that is out of reach for me. My vet told me that it would cost almost $400 and I can't afford that. Ironically, as my cat very rich...
  6. R

    ER visit results in HCM diagnosis

    My male cat (George) was fine and then on Tuesday, I had his 3 year Rabies vaccination. By Friday night I noticed a low fast/rapid breathing. I thought nothing of it and it continued into Saturday. I planned to go to my vet on Monday but by Sunday morning I was getting off to...