Recent Content by Rose94

  1. Rose94

    Possible pregnant cat and leaking blood? Throwing up and diarrhea

    Well she was taken to the vet today I had to borrow the money from my family until I get my first check as I was finally cleared to go back to work they gave her a shot of antibiotics and ten days worth of a liquid medication im praying that works cause the surgery is way out of my price range
  2. Rose94

    Possible pregnant cat and leaking blood? Throwing up and diarrhea

    Thank you I will call around and see if I can find something in my price range and if not I’ll start a go fund me
  3. Rose94

    Possible pregnant cat and leaking blood? Throwing up and diarrhea

    She’s 15months old the suspected mating happened July 11th/12th so about halfway through the possible pregnancy I tried calling her vet today but they are closed till Monday I am also scared it could be Pyometra
  4. Rose94

    Possible pregnant cat and leaking blood? Throwing up and diarrhea

    Today I came home to a pile of diarrhea and my cat never goes outside of her litter box while cleaning that she vomited a clear mucus I assumed it’s because of the suspected pregnancy but now she’s leaking a pinkish fluid from her bottom and I’m scared I can’t afford any surgery’s right now any...
  5. Rose94

    Pregnant with fleas

    I meant to say I can’t vacuum everything in the garage lol
  6. Rose94

    Pregnant with fleas

    Yes I plan on treating the animals it’s just my dog and cat but they spend a lot of the afternoon in the garage hiding from the kids that are home on summer break right now lol so I figured since they spend so much time in there that there must be fleas in there by now and vacuum everything in...
  7. Rose94

    Pregnant with fleas

    So I was rubbing my cats chin this morning and seen a big flea run through her fur so I’m guessing she contacted fleas on her little escapade that got her pregnant when she first returned home before I suspected pregnancy I gave her capstar flea meds just in case she did come into contact with...
  8. Rose94

    How did you get your kitty or kitties?

    I was walking my kids to school one day and saw a lady on the side of the road looking into her engine she was still there on my way home so I asked if she needed help turns out there was a kitten stuck in her engine (took a 30 minute ride just hanging on for dear life) so after hours and half...
  9. Rose94

    Does this look like pinking?

    New pictures from today is it just me or are they getting even pinker and puffy?
  10. Rose94


    It’s good that you’re double checking with the vet but from my experience dried tapeworms look exactly like grains of rice
  11. Rose94

    Does this look like pinking?

    She was outside for about 12 hours she is 14 months old this was about 3 weeks ago
  12. Rose94

    Does this look like pinking?

    She’s never been pregnant before she was a virgin before she got out
  13. Rose94

    Does this look like pinking?

    About 12 hours and she’s 14 months old
  14. Rose94

    Does this look like pinking?

    If my cat did end up getting pregnant it would have been 21 days ago the one and only time she’s ever gotten out of the house I didn’t pay much attention to what her nipples looked like before so I don’t have much to compare it to
  15. Rose94

    Dealing with strays and a crazy neighbor

    Call around to no kill shelters and see if they can take her in or maybe a friend or family member? Also call around to local shelter and vets and see about the pricing for spaying a stray some places offer a reduced service to help the stray cats from reproducing