Recent Content by Raxstone

  1. R

    Should I trust my cat? Redirected aggression

    Yeah, I would rather avoid calming products unless I get really good feedback. I bought one of those sprays from PetSmart and all of my cats reacted like the area had been sprayed with catnip (Pet Remedy De-stress and Calming spray).
  2. R

    Should I trust my cat? Redirected aggression

    Just following up on this. They got over the incident after being separated for a while. We still separate them when we are not home, just to prevent an incident when nobody is home to break it up. They have been fine together for quite a while, even play fighting without issue. However, the two...
  3. R

    How long will seizure meds work?

    It has been a while. How is your cat doing now? I have a male that started having seizures, seems like one a year for the last 3 years. In addition, whenever he has a seizure his brother becomes super aggressive towards our third cat. They otherwise always get along.
  4. R

    Cat Jumped on Hot Stove =(

    It is just this type of possibility that scares me with my cats. I moved on to an induction cooktop instead to make it a lot safer. As long as they don't jump into a hot pan, they should have no risk of injury now. I can (uncomfortably) rest my hand on the burner as soon as I remove the frying...
  5. R


    More likely you have a toxic plant in your home, which the cats have tried munching on. Or you let them outside and there are toxic plants they found access to. It is amazing how many common plants are very toxic to cats, and they love to chew plants so it is a significant hazard.
  6. R

    Should I trust my cat? Redirected aggression

    I have four cats. Two are siblings, about 8 years old - these two will greet everyone at the door and remain social with strangers. The other two were adopted together when kittens and are now about 3 years old. These two are more timid and at first will hide when strangers come in. They have...