Recent Content by Rahnee

  1. R

    Very ill cat

    Hi everyone I just wanted to update on my Lucy. She is still with us and although much improved, still not fantastic. She has complete use of her right side. She is also now moving her tail. But at this stage still cannot use her left legs at all. She can feel them and move them. She can...
  2. R

    Very ill cat

    I think part of her thinking is the fact that she has had neurological issues in the past. Being a Wobby Cat it's unusual that she is no longer shaking her head which is something that she normally does. She said there has been positive results treating.these type of issues with prednisolone...
  3. R

    Very ill cat

    The vet feels that it is definitely neurological given that she has had neurological issues in the past. She does not believe it's spinal because she clearly reacts to all physical stimuli and because the level of weakness keeps changing. She is completely floppy but then she will lift a leg...
  4. R

    Very ill cat

    I have a 3pm appointment today with another vet in the clinic. She is actually the owner and definitely experienced. I'm hopeful of some new insights. It's an extra long appointment so we can look at all options.
  5. R

    Attempt To Save Mimi

    I don't have anything to add but just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. We are going through our own issues at the moment and it's just the awful feeling so helpless.
  6. R

    Very ill cat

    It's so frustrating. I hate that I can't do anything. No the vet didn't mention either of those for the dog. I will ask about it tomorrow. She was only diagnosed Thursday. . It's through her spleen and liver. We did take her in the week before as she wasn't eating, her gums were inflamed...
  7. R

    Very ill cat

    Thanks. I will be on the phone to them first thing Monday when they open. I did ring Wednesday and waited for a call back that didn't come.And then Thursday rang in the morning.and they had us come in again (which is when they changed antibitiotic again) but still no results. I had no idea...
  8. R

    Very ill cat

    She seemed to pick up during the night. She was using her front paws to dig in the litter. But this morning nothing. She isn't as interested in food this morning either as she has been. She licked at a paste and finished that but doesn't seem to be able to eat anything with a little more...
  9. R

    Very ill cat

    I will be sitting up with her all night in case we need to rush to the emergency vet. Although I'd prefer to see this through with my original vet who has her history.
  10. R

    Very ill cat

    Thank you. I will ask that question on Monday if we make it that far. She took the last of the Amoxicillan this morning. It was a higher dose than we started with and also a longer course. Up until Thursday she was also taking Baytril which is now complete. Thursday we were given Cindamicin...
  11. R

    Very ill cat

    Hi everyone, I am new to this page. I am a cat mum to 8 cats, most of them foster fails. I'm not expecting a guarantee. I'm really just clutching at straws at this stage. We have a cat that is not doing well and appears to be deteriorating at this stage. She is a wobbly cat. She would always...