Recent Content by Rachmichelle47

  1. Rachmichelle47

    Pancreatitis recovery

    That’s helpful to know! What medicines do you have for chronic pancreatitis for your baby? A complicating factor is we are currently living in a country with decent, but not super modern, vet care.
  2. Rachmichelle47

    Pancreatitis recovery

    Thanks so much for the reply! Good to know that this cuddly reaction to Tramadol is normal. Luckily, Solomon (who is 14) has been eating. The hospital reported normal eating and he has taken both hard and soft food today, more of the soft. His new food is lower in fat content.
  3. Rachmichelle47

    Pancreatitis recovery

    Hi, fellow cat parents! My sweet tabby, Solomon, was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and hospitalized for three days for treatment. We were discharged yesterday and the vet said his pancreas looks much better now on ultrasound. Since being hospitalized, he has not experienced vomiting...