Recent Content by rachieg

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  5. rachieg

    Our growing very fast rescue cat found in a bag

    this is how tiny he was 1st day of him coming just wanted to be warm and loved I don't no what he had to go through while in that carrier bag
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  7. rachieg

    Our growing very fast rescue cat found in a bag

    Must apologise if iv repeated myself I am still getting use to the site but yes some interfering old lady rang a cat rescue society thinking he was homeless I'd let him out 2 days before but we were due to take him to the vets as he had lost some weight still eating going out loving fuss but had...
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  9. rachieg

    Our growing very fast rescue cat found in a bag

    He also likes to do little things like this won't have his treats any were else and he has to get them of the table himself he doesn't like it any other way we nickname him Bert because of his vocals we do a very loud perrrr and he comes doing it back to us he's really great company and we are...
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